Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie.
Currently contains 28490 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera .
Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)
Index usage instructions.
How to search...
At least 3 characters are required in the query.
Partial search is supported - it is NOT necessary to type whole keyword, and you doesn't even have to type the word from the beginning - you can start in the middle.
Multisearch supported - You can search for more keywords in one attempt - separate the keywords/phrases by comma (", "). Max 2 commas allowed in the query.
If no match is found, results are given for similar query (if found). Minimum query length required for "simsearch" to happen is 6 characters.
Index filtered by 'cantharellus ' [39 matches found]:
ALBATRELLUS cantharellus 26: 196 ;
2: 36 ;
4: 111 ;
5: 126 ,
152 ,
164 ;
6: 145 ,
150 ;
7: 11 ,
91 ,
152 ,
183 ,
185 ;
10: 248 ;
11: 62 ,
172 ;
12: 60 ;
13: 41 ,
46 ;
18: 12 ,
159 ,
162 ,
174 ,
175 ,
178 ;
19: 15 ,
17 ,
19 ;
20: 59 ,
73 ,
75 ,
215 ;
21: 56 ,
59 ,
251 ;
22: 161 ,
162 ,
163 ,
164 ,
165 ,
166 ,
192 ,
252 ,
254 ;
25: 66 ,
67 ,
71 ,
105 ;
27: 220 ;
28: 115 ;
29: 28 ,
111 ,
185 ,
199 ,
200 ;
30: 25 ,
198 ;
32: 222 ;
33: 36 ,
40 ,
122 ,
162 ;
34: 9 ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 ,
232 ;
35: 109 ,
185 ,
186 ,
187 ;
36: 23 ,
187 ;
37: 99 ,
100 ;
38: 220 ;
42: 119 ,
120 ,
160 ,
163 ;
43: 204 ;
44: 125 ,
141 ,
221 ;
45: 34 ;
48: 122 ;
71: 139 ;
CANTHARELLUS albidus 37: 100 ;
CANTHARELLUS alveolaris 11: 214 ;
CANTHARELLUS amethysteus 67: 192 ;
CANTHARELLUS aurantiacus 7: 152 ;
CANTHARELLUS auriscalpium 33: 40 ,
41 ,
42 ,
43 ,
44 ,
45 ,
46 ;
CANTHARELLUS benesii 34: 232 ;
CANTHARELLUS carbonarius 35: 185 ,
186 ,
187 ;
53: 37 ;
CANTHARELLUS cavinae 18: 174 ;
CANTHARELLUS cibarius 1: 7 ;
2: 37 ;
3: 4 ;
4: 149 ;
5: 74 ,
127 ;
6: 56 ;
7: 72 ,
77 ,
79 ;
10: 118 ,
163 ,
168 ,
185 ;
13: 41 ,
46 ;
14: 89 ,
106 ;
18: 12 ;
19: 15 ,
17 ,
19 ;
20: 59 ,
75 ;
22: 161 ,
162 ,
163 ,
164 ,
165 ,
166 ,
192 ;
25: 66 ,
67 ,
71 ,
105 ;
27: 220 ;
28: 115 ;
29: 111 ,
185 ;
30: 25 ;
32: 222 ;
33: 122 ,
162 ;
34: 9 ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 ;
35: 109 ;
36: 23 ;
38: 220 ;
42: 120 ,
160 ;
44: 141 ,
221 ;
45: 34 ;
46: 171 ,
186 ;
52: 4 ,
5 ;
56: 272 ;
64: 219 ;
65: 200 ,
211 ;
66: 201 ;
67: 192 ;
73: 22 ,
28 ,
40 ;
75: 122 ,
125 ,
129 ,
130 ;
CANTHARELLUS cibarius f. pallidus 29: 28 ;
CANTHARELLUS cibarius var. amethysteus 52: 11 ;
CANTHARELLUS cinereus 14: 75 ,
226 ;
44: 141 ;
52: 8 ;
CANTHARELLUS clavatus 3: 28 ;
CANTHARELLUS collinus 21: 59 ;
33: 36 ;
CANTHARELLUS coriaceus 4: 5 ;
CANTHARELLUS cupulatus 4: 3 ,
4 ,
5 ,
6 ,
59 ;
7: 159 ;
CANTHARELLUS cupulatus var. grisellus 4: 6 ;
CANTHARELLUS fechtneri 21: 251 ;
CANTHARELLUS foliolum 46: 318 ;
CANTHARELLUS friesii 14: 87 ;
18: 159 ,
162 ,
174 ,
175 ,
178 ;
27: 220 ;
36: 187 ;
67: 192 ;
CANTHARELLUS glaucus 7: 8 ,
10 ,
11 ,
12 ,
188 ;
CANTHARELLUS infundibuliformis 18: 12 ,
162 ;
20: 215 ;
22: 161 ,
162 ,
163 ,
164 ,
165 ,
166 ;
28: 115 ;
CANTHARELLUS lacunosus 12: 127 ;
CANTHARELLUS lutescens 12: 127 ;
30: 198 ;
43: 204 ;
CANTHARELLUS muehlenbeckii 11: 172 ;
33: 40 ,
43 ;
CANTHARELLUS muscoides 4: 6 ;
7: 153 ;
CANTHARELLUS olivaceus 46: 55 ;
CANTHARELLUS pallens 14: 75 ;
32: 222 ;
33: 162 ;
35: 109 ;
42: 160 ,
163 ;
44: 125 ;
CANTHARELLUS parvus 4: 5 ;
CANTHARELLUS polycephalus 37: 99 ,
100 ;
CANTHARELLUS pseudoclavatus 29: 200 ;
CANTHARELLUS pygmaeus 7: 10 ;
CANTHARELLUS radiatus 52: 23 ;
CANTHARELLUS sinuosus 29: 28 ,
199 ,
200 ;
CANTHARELLUS tubaeformis 3: 7 ;
7: 186 ;
10: 185 ;
46: 171 ,
172 ,
186 ,
187 ;
52: 7 ;
56: 272 ;
63: 255 ;
67: 192 ;
CANTHARELLUS valentini 20: 73 ;
HYGROCYBE cantharellus 4: 96 ;
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