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Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie. Currently contains 28306 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera.

Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)

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Index filtered by 'HYGROPHORUS' [79 matches found]:

HYGROPHORUS     1: 91; 3: 96; 7: 175; 15: 14; 16: 157, 163, 167, 168; 18: 2, 13, 20, 159, 160, 170, 178; 19: 16, 114, 197; 20: 110, 242; 21: 2, 4, 57; 22: 146, 192, 195, 200; 23: 78, 198, 205; 24: 84, 117, 125, 126, 127, 128, 178; 25: 62, 107, 241; 27: 31, 34, 215; 28: 173; 29: 27; 30: 193, 196, 228; 31: 115; 32: 222; 33: 164; 34: 76, 77, 232; 35: 110; 36: 189; 37: 109; 42: 160, 163, 164, 165; 43: 57; 44: 86; 72: 240;
HYGROPHORUS   abieticola   66: 15;
HYGROPHORUS   agathosmus   10: 234; 18: 13; 24: 117; 25: 107;
HYGROPHORUS   arbustivus   10: 234; 15: 14;
HYGROPHORUS   atramentarius   36: 189;
HYGROPHORUS   calophyllus   22: 192, 195, 200; 30: 228;
HYGROPHORUS   camarophyllus   3: 27; 22: 195; 71: 231;
HYGROPHORUS   capreolarius   14: 125; 66: 15; 67: 214;
HYGROPHORUS   caprinus   3: 60, 107; 30: 228;
HYGROPHORUS   chlorophanus   6: 39;
HYGROPHORUS   chrysaspis   10: 234, 235; 15: 14; 18: 170; 23: 205; 25: 62;
HYGROPHORUS   chrysodon   14: 126, 225; 22: 146, 195; 24: 84; 35: 110; 52: 11;
HYGROPHORUS   coccineus   6: 39;
HYGROPHORUS   conicus   6: 39;
HYGROPHORUS   cossus   10: 233, 234, 235; 14: 225; 27: 31; 35: 110; 43: 57; 48: 301, 303; 73: 30;
HYGROPHORUS   discoideus   14: 104, 126, 225; 30: 196; 52: 11; 67: 170, 198;
HYGROPHORUS   discolor   46: 319;
HYGROPHORUS   discoxanthus   52: 4, 5;
HYGROPHORUS   eburneus   14: 225; 18: 160, 170; 32: 222; 33: 164; 35: 110; 46: 170, 172, 282, 284, 285, 286, 288, 290; 56: 270, 272; 63: 257; 65: 202; 67: 198;
HYGROPHORUS   erubescens   14: 126; 23: 205;
HYGROPHORUS   erubescens * capreolarius   46: 324;
HYGROPHORUS   erubescens var. capreolarius   47: 195;
HYGROPHORUS   fagi   56: 272;
HYGROPHORUS   flavodiscus   10: 234, 235;
HYGROPHORUS   foetens   23: 198;
HYGROPHORUS   gilvus   46: 319;
HYGROPHORUS   gliocyclus   14: 104, 225; 73: 22;
HYGROPHORUS   hedrychii   10: 232, 233, 234, 235; 15: 14; 23: 205;
HYGROPHORUS   hyacinthinus   24: 117; 46: 171, 172, 186; 67: 217;
HYGROPHORUS   hyacinthus   21: 57;
HYGROPHORUS   hypothejus   7: 142; 19: 16; 32: 222; 44: 86;
HYGROPHORUS   hypothejus var. mendax   46: 324;
HYGROPHORUS   lacmus   18: 6;
HYGROPHORUS   laetus   12: 242; 24: 125, 126, 127;
HYGROPHORUS   langei   18: 2;
HYGROPHORUS   leucophaeo-ilicis   65: 202;
HYGROPHORUS   leucophaeus   10: 234, 235; 23: 205;
HYGROPHORUS   lewelliniae   46: 319; 49: 164;
HYGROPHORUS   lindtneri   52: 12; 65: 202; 71: 232; 73: 30;
HYGROPHORUS   lucorum   42: 165; 44: 86; 46: 319;
HYGROPHORUS   marchii   16: 168;
HYGROPHORUS   marzuolus   1: 38; 3: 26, 27, 28; 5: 98; 11: 203; 12: 197; 16: 157; 20: 110, 242; 21: 2, 4; 23: 78; 24: 117, 178; 52: 94; 71: 231;
HYGROPHORUS   melizeus   10: 235; 14: 89, 225, 226; 18: 159, 160, 170, 178; 27: 215; 31: 115; 34: 232;
HYGROPHORUS   miniatus   16: 168; 22: 146;
HYGROPHORUS   minutulus   24: 126;
HYGROPHORUS   nemoreus   18: 13; 52: 10; 65: 202;
HYGROPHORUS   nitratus   2: 24; 7: 174; 16: 163;
HYGROPHORUS   olivaceoalbus   14: 72, 89, 126, 225; 18: 160; 19: 114; 27: 215; 32: 222; 37: 109; 44: 86; 46: 288; 56: 271, 281, 282; 63: 233, 257; 67: 198;
HYGROPHORUS   penarius   18: 13; 28: 173; 29: 27; 43: 57; 46: 171, 172, 289; 52: 8; 63: 257; 67: 198;
HYGROPHORUS   perplexus   24: 127;
HYGROPHORUS   persoonii var. fuscovinosus   52: 8;
HYGROPHORUS   piceae   14: 89; 27: 215; 67: 170, 183, 198;
HYGROPHORUS   poetarum   25: 62; 30: 196; 65: 40;
HYGROPHORUS   pratensis   24: 126;
HYGROPHORUS   psittacinus   24: 125, 126, 127;
HYGROPHORUS   pudorinus   14: 125; 21: 57; 30: 193, 196;
HYGROPHORUS   pustulatus   14: 125; 19: 114; 24: 117; 27: 34; 37: 109; 44: 86; 46: 170, 172; 56: 271, 281, 282; 63: 257; 67: 198;
HYGROPHORUS   reai   14: 113;
HYGROPHORUS   roseodiscoideus   52: 12;
HYGROPHORUS   russocoriaceus   18: 20;
HYGROPHORUS   russula   19: 197, 198, 199; 34: 77; 42: 160, 163, 164; 52: 8; 65: 193, 202, 206, 211;
HYGROPHORUS   scarlatinus   46: 319;
HYGROPHORUS   schulzeri   14: 113;
HYGROPHORUS   sciophanoides   24: 127;
HYGROPHORUS   sciophanus   24: 125, 126, 127, 128;
HYGROPHORUS   speciosus   36: 189;
HYGROPHORUS   strangulatus   16: 167, 168;
HYGROPHORUS   subpurpurascens   10: 235;
HYGROPHORUS   substrangulatus   16: 168;
HYGROPHORUS   subviscifer   63: 252, 257;
HYGROPHORUS   tephroleucus   14: 104; 24: 117;
HYGROPHORUS   turundus   65: 57;
HYGROPHORUS   unguinosus   24: 127;
HYGROPHORUS   xanthochrous   24: 125, 126;

INOCYBE   hygrophorus   72: 227;

PSEUDOHYGROPHORUS     20: 74; 24: 125;
PSEUDOHYGROPHORUS   vesicarius   20: 74;

PSEUDOSPERMA   hygrophorus   72: 227, 231, 239;

TRICHOLOMA   hygrophorus   20: 148;

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