Czech Mycology 67(2): 135–136             Article published online: 24th July, 2015 doi: 10.33585/cmy.67202


New combinations for ergot species described under their anamorphic names by S. Pažoutová and colleagues.

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Three new ergot species have been described by S. Pažoutová and her colleagues under their anamorphic name Sphacelia. The recent changes to the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants resulted in the end of dual nomenclature and the name Claviceps was proposed as the only one valid for ergot fungi. In this paper the combination of three Sphacelia species into the genus Claviceps is provided.

Keywords:     Claviceps, Sphacelia, nomenclature, C. eriochloae, C. lovelessii, C. texensis

Article history: received 29 June 2015, revised 8 July 2015, accepted 13 July 2015, published online 24 July 2015

Full citation:

Kolařík M. (2015): New combinations for ergot species described under their anamorphic names by S. Pažoutová and colleagues. – Czech Mycology 67(2): 135–136. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.67202

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