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KŘÍŽ M., JINDŘICH O., KOLAŘÍK M. (2019): Contribution to the knowledge of mycobiota of Central European dry grasslands: Phaeoclavulina clavarioides and Phaeoclavulina roellinii (Gomphales). Czech Mycology 71(2): 137-150 [published: 6th November, 2019]
HOLEC J., BĚŤÁK J., DVOŘÁK D., KŘÍŽ M., KUCHAŘÍKOVÁ M., KRZYŚCIAK-KOSIŃSKA R., KUČERA T. (2019): Macrofungi on fallen oak trunks in the Białowieża Virgin Forest – ecological role of trunk parameters and surrounding vegetation. Czech Mycology 71(1): 65-89 [published: 18th June, 2019] Electronic supplement
ADAMČÍK S., AUDE E., BÄSSLER C., CHRISTENSEN M., DORT K.VAN, FRITZ Ö., GLEJDURA S., HEILMANN-CLAUSEN J., HOLEC J., JANČOVIČOVÁ S., KUNCA V., LACKOVIČOVÁ A., LÜTH M., ÓDOR P. (2016): Fungi and lichens recorded during the Cryptogam Symposium on Natural Beech Forests, Slovakia 2011. Czech Mycology 68(1): 1-40 [published: 1st February, 2016]
HOLEC J., KŘÍŽ M., POUZAR Z., ŠANDOVÁ M. (2015): Boubínský prales virgin forest, a Central European refugium of boreal-montane and old-growth forest fungi. Czech Mycology 67(2): 157-226 [published: 10th September, 2015]
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Book reviews - Lundquist J.E., Hamelin R.C.: Forest Pathology: From Genes to Landscapes. - Wojewoda W. (ed.): Atlas of the geographical distribution of fungi in Poland. Fascicle 3. Czech Mycology 58(1-2): 152-154 [published: 10th August, 2006]
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KUBIČKA J. (1953): Smrtelná otrava muchomůrkou zelenou - Amanita phalloides (Fr. ex Vaill.) Quél. Česká Mykologie 7(3): 97-100 [published: 15th September, 1953]
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