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SVRČEK M. (1972): Species novae generis Ascophanus Boud. (Pezizales). Česká Mykologie 26(1): 29-31 [published: 1972]
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MORAVEC J. (1971): Discomycetes of the family Thelebolaceae (Brumm.) Eckbl. from the district of Mladá Boleslav (Bohemia). Česká Mykologie 25(3): 150-160 [published: 1971]
SVRČEK M., KUBIČKA J. (1971): Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mykoflora des Urwaldes „Žofínský prales“ im Gebirge Novohradské hory (Südböhmen). Česká Mykologie 25(2): 103-111 [published: 1971]
MORAVEC J. (1969): Some operculate Discomycetes from the Vysoké Tatry Mts. (High Tatra) and Belanské Tatry Mts. and Spišská Magura Mts. in Slovakia. Česká Mykologie 23(1): 24-34 [published: 1969]
MORAVEC Z. (1968): Remarks on some coprophilous fungi in Norway. Česká Mykologie 22(4): 301-309 [published: 1968]
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SVRČEK M. (1963): Über einigen koprophilen Discomyceten (mit Farbtafel no. 51). Česká Mykologie 17(4): 188-192 [published: 18th October, 1963]
SVRČEK M. (1963): Les Ascomycčtes isolées du sol et du bois par la méthode de H. et S. Krzemieniewski. Česká Mykologie 17(3): 134-140 [published: 10th July, 1963]
SVRČEK M. (1962): Discomycetes, qui in montibus Nízké Tatry, Slovakiae, excursione post Congressum Secundum Mycologorum Europaeorum procedente, tempore 5.-10. septembri 1960 collecti sunt. Česká Mykologie 16(2): 87-114 [published: 13th April, 1962]
SVRČEK M., KUBIČKA J. (1961): Some operculate Discomycetes from the vinicity of the pound „Dvořiště“ in Southern Bohemia. Česká Mykologie 15(2): 61-77 [published: 20th April, 1961]
SVRČEK M. (1959): Über einige interessante Arten der im Jahre 1958 beobachteten koprophilen Pilzen. Česká Mykologie 13(2): 92-102 [published: 20th April, 1959]
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SVRČEK M. (1990): A report on mycological trips to Krkonoše Mts. (Giant Mts.), Bohemia, in theyears 1986-1989. Česká Mykologie 44(3): 140-146 [published: 22nd October, 1990]
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SVRČEK M. (1981): A new series of Fungus exsiccati. Česká Mykologie 35(4): 239-241 [published: 1981]
SVRČEK M. (1981): List of Operculate Discomycetes (Pezizales) recorded from Czechoslovakia III. Česká Mykologie 35(3): 134-151 [published: 1981]
SVRČEK M. (1981): List of Operculate Discomycetes (Pezizales) recorded from Czechoslovakia II. (O-W). Česká Mykologie 35(2): 64-89 [published: 1981]
SVRČEK M. (1979): Fungi in Hungaria Mense Septembri 1978 lecti. Česká Mykologie 33(3): 150-158 [published: 1979]
SVRČEK M. (1977): New combinations and taxa in Operculate Discomycetes (Pezizales). Česká Mykologie 31(2): 69-71 [published: 1977]
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MORAVEC J. (1968): Some operculate discomycetes found during the winter months 1966 and 1967, in the district Mladá Boleslav. Česká Mykologie 22(3): 212-216 [published: 1968]
MORAVEC J. (1968): A study concerning a better recognition of operculate discomycetes of the genus Cheilymenia Boud. Česká Mykologie 22(1): 32-41 [published: 1968]
SVRČEK M., KUBIČKA J. (1963): Deuxičme contribution ŕ la connaissance des Discomycčtes operculés de la region de l´étang „Dvořiště“ en Sud-Bohęme. Česká Mykologie 17(2): 61-70 [published: 9th April, 1963]
ŠMARDA F. (1960): Mykoflora der Pflanzengesellschaften des Hügels Čebínka bei Brünn. Česká Mykologie 14(4): 222-228 [published: 20th October, 1960]
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SVRČEK M. (1960): Eine mykofloristische Skizze der Umgebung von Karlštejn (Karlstein) im Mittelböhmen. Česká Mykologie 14(2): 67-86 [published: 20th April, 1960]
SVRČEK M. (1959): Resultate der mykologischen Durchforschung Böhmens für das Jahr 1958, I. Der Winter und Frühlingsaspekt der mittelböhmischen Mykoflora. Česká Mykologie 13(3): 153-159 [published: 20th July, 1959]