Holec J., Zehnálek P. (2021): Remarks on taxonomy and ecology of Dentipratulum bialoviesense based on records from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic. Czech Mycology 73(2): 121-135 [published: 1st July, 2021]
CABOŇ M., ADAMČÍK S. (2014): Ecology and distribution of white milkcaps in Slovakia. Czech Mycology 66(2): 171-192 [published: 23rd December, 2014]
HAGARA L. (2014): An albinotic form of Lactarius vietus and an annulate form of Psathyrella multipedata. Czech Mycology 66(1): 99-105 [published: 4th June, 2014]
ZOTTI M., PAUTASSO M. (2013): Macrofungi in Mediterranean Quercus ilex woodlands: relations to vegetation structure, ecological gradients and higher-taxon approach. Czech Mycology 65(2): 193-218 [published: 20th December, 2013]
CABOŇ M., ADAMČÍK S., VALACHOVIČ M. (2013): Diversity of the family Russulaceae in the Scots pine forests of Záhorská nížina (SW Slovakia). Czech Mycology 65(2): 179-191 [published: 20th December, 2013]
BĚŤÁK J. (2013): Distribution and ecology of Lactarius rostratus and Lactarius rubrocinctus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) in the Czech Republic. Czech Mycology 65(1): 25-43 [published: 10th June, 2013]
Book reviews - SOCHA R. ET AL. (2011): Holubinky (Russula). - KREISEL H. (2011): Pilze von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. - BOCKUS W.W. ET AL. (2010): Compendium of Wheat Diseases and Pests, Third Edition. Czech Mycology 64(1): 101-104 [published: 2nd July, 2012]
Holec J. and Wild J. (2011): Fungal diversity in sandstone gorges of the Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech Republic): impact of climatic inversion. Czech Mycology 63(2): 243-263 [published: 10th August, 2011]
Adamčík S., Christensen M., Heilmann-Clausen J., Walleyn R. (2007): Fungal diversity in the Poloniny National Park with emphasis on indicator species of conservation value of beech forests in Europe. Czech Mycology 59(1): 67-81 [published: 28th June, 2007]
Škubla P. (2006): Lactarius hrdovensis, a new species of section Uvidi from Slovakia. Czech Mycology 58(1-2): 67-74 [published: 10th August, 2006]
Adamčík S., Ripková S. and Zaliberová M. (2006): Diversity of Russulaceae in the Vihorlatské vrchy Mts. (Slovakia). Czech Mycology 58(1-2): 43-66 [published: 10th August, 2006]
Adamčík S. (2003): Russula faginea and similar taxa. Czech Mycology 54(3-4): 177-191 [published: 23rd May, 2003]
Fellner R. and Landa J. (1994): Some species of Cortinariaceae and Russulaceae in the alpine belt of the Belaer Tatras - II. Czech Mycology 47(1): 45-57 [published: 6th January, 1994]
Rauschert S. (1989): Nomenklatorische Studien bei höheren Pilzen I. Russulales (Täublinge und Milchlinge). Èeská Mykologie 43(4): 193-209 [published: 17th November, 1989]
Landa J. and Fellner R. (1986): Some rare agarics from the Krkonoše (Giant Mountains). II. Russula salmoneolutea sp. nov. Èeská Mykologie 40(4): 234-246 [published: 7th November, 1986]
Fellner R. (1980): Russula pumila found in Czechoslovakia (with some notes about its distribution, ecology and sociology). Èeská Mykologie 34(1): 35-44 [published: 1980]
Horníček E. (1979): Einige kritische Russula -Arten in der Tschechoslowakei. Èeská Mykologie 33(1): 47-50 [published: 1979]
Kubička J. (1976): Zweiter Beitrag zur Mykoflora der südböhmischen Kalksteingebiete (Hügel Ostrý bei Domanice, Kreis Strakonice). Èeská Mykologie 30(3-4): 193-199 [published: 1976]
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Kotlaba F. and Pouzar Z. (1962): Agarics and Boleti (Agaricales) from the Dobročský Virgin Forest in Slovakia. Èeská Mykologie 16(3): 173-191 [published: 6th July, 1962]
Pilát A. and Melzer V. (1962): Nova localitas Russulae helodis Melzer in Bohemia. Èeská Mykologie 16(2): 117-118 [published: 13th April, 1962]
Herink J. (1961): Etudes sur deux russules: Russula lilacea Quél. et Russula persicina Krombh. s. Melz. et Zv. Èeská Mykologie 15(4): 206-210 [published: 24th October, 1961]
Melzer V. (1961): Russula exalbicans (Secr.) Melzer et Zvára in Čechoslovakia. Èeská Mykologie 15(2): 58-60 [published: 20th April, 1961]
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Šmarda F. (1958): Russula solaris Ferd. et Winge. Èeská Mykologie 12(4): 212-214 [published: 20th October, 1958]
Schaefer Z. (1958): Lactarii čechoslovaci rariores vel novi V. Èeská Mykologie 12(4): 205-212 [published: 20th October, 1958]
Horníček E. (1958): Russula hydrophila sp. n. Èeská Mykologie 12(3): 170-172 [published: 20th July, 1958]
Melzer V. (1957): De Russula Lundellii Sing. Èeská Mykologie 11(3): 170-172 [published: 20th August, 1957]
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Melzer V. (1956): Holubinka tečkovaná - Russula punctata Krbh. (non Gill. Mre.). Èeská Mykologie 10(2): 113-116 [published: 30th June, 1956]
Frágner P. (1956): Příspěvek k proměnlivosti Trichophyton gypseum Bodin 1902. Èeská Mykologie 10(2): 105-113 [published: 30th June, 1956]
Horníček E. (1956): Holubinka vodnatá- Russula aquosa Leclair. Èeská Mykologie 10(1): 23-27 [published: 28th February, 1956]
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Melzer V. (1953): Holubinka Velenovského - Russula velenovskýi Mlz.-Zv. Èeská Mykologie 7(4): 168-172 [published: 16th November, 1953]
Dörfler J. (1952): Holubinka půvabná - Russula amonea Quél. Èeská Mykologie 6(6-7): 144 [published: 15th August, 1952]
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Melzer V. (1952): Holubinka olivová - Russula olivacea (Sch.) Fr. Èeská Mykologie 6(3-5): 46-49 [published: 15th May, 1952]
Melzer V. (1951): Holubinka rudonohá - Russula rhodopoda Zvára. Èeská Mykologie 5(6-7): 108-111 [published: 15th August, 1951]
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