Search for "testoni a.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "TESTONI": 1 article found.
ANTONÍN V., TESTONI A., TOMŠOVSKÝ M. (2015): Crinipellis mezzanensis, a new species from Italy. [Marasmiaceae, Basidiomycota, ITS, Mezzano valley] Czech Mycology 67(1): 23-27 (published: 10th April, 2015)
Crinipellis mezzanensis is described from Mezzano Valley, Ferrara Prov., Italy. It is characterised in having moderately large basidiospores, well-developed simple cheilocystidia, absent pleurocystidia, and green-blue coloured plaques of pileipellis hyphae in KOH.
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