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Probable match (100%) "MÜLLER": 13 articles found.
MÜLLER J. (2015): Seltenere Falsche Mehltaupilze, Rost- und Brandpilze der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik. I. Teil Peronosporomycetes. [Albuginales, Peronosporales, Czech and Slovak Republics] Czech Mycology 67(1): 69-83 (published: 29th May, 2015)
In this paper the author publishes the first part of a list of his collections of downy mildews (Peronosporomycetes), rusts (Pucciniomycetes) and smuts (Ustilaginomycetes and Microbotryomycetes) collected from 1949 to 2013 on the entire territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics. In this part the samples which he has identified to date, in total 120 species on 218 host plants, are presented.Of these species the most interesting are Knautia × posoniensis as a new host of Peronospora violacea, Plasmoverna pygmaea s. l. on Aconitum plicatum in the Hrubý Jeseník mountains as the only known locality in the Czech Republic, Peronospora dianthicola as a species new to Moravia and 29 host plants new to Moravia.
MÜLLER J. (2010): Beitrag zur mykofloristischen Erforschung der Rost-, Brand und Falschen Mehltaupilze auf dem Králický Sněžník (Glatzer Schneeberg) und seiner Umgebung (Tschechische Republik). [Králický Sněžník, Peronosporomycetes, Pucciniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes, Microbotryomycetes] Czech Mycology 62(1): 87-101 (published: 15th February, 2011)
Between 1889 and 2001 a total of 17 species of downy mildews (Peronosporomycetes), 6 species of smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes), 79 species (respectively varieties) of rust fungi (Pucciniomycetes), and 2 species of Microbotryomycetes were found in the Králický Sněžník and its surroundings. The investigated territory is delimited, a brief history of the research into these micromycetes is given, and a survey of 10 species of downy mildews, 2 species of smuts and 55 species of rusts found by the author is given. The results of the research were compared with historical records. The author found 34 species new to the territory concerned. On the other hand, he has not been able to verify the occurrence of 37 species recorded by previous mycologists, especially on the summit of Králický Sněžník.
MÜLLER J., KOKEŠ P. (2008): Erweitertes Verzeichnis der Falschen Mehltaupilze Mährens und tschechisch Schlesiens. [Peronosporales, host plants, numbers of localities, herbaria specimens, Moravia, Czech Silesia (east Czech Republic)] Czech Mycology 60(1): 91-104 (published: 4th July, 2008)
The paper represents an extended version of the Checklist of downy mildews of Moravia and Silesia, into which rusts and smuts were included, as published in Czech Mycology 56: 121–148, 2004.The current checklist includes 176 species and 514 combinations of downy mildews and host plants.For each species of downy mildew its host plants are specified and for every host plant the number of localities on which the downy mildew was recorded, including the year of the latest record and abbreviations of the herbaria in which the specimens are deposited. This checklist was elaborated mostly according to data published in literature.
MÜLLER J. (2006): Puccinia trollii - ein neuer Rostpilz für die Karpaten. [Puccinia trollii, Trollius altissimus, Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia, description, host plants, world distribution] Czech Mycology 58(3-4): 201-208 (published: 29th December, 2006)
In the years 1957 and 1975 Puccinia trollii P. Karst. on Trollius altissimus Crantz was found in knee-pine stands in the mountain Krakova hoľa in the Nízke Tatry mountains in Slovakia together with Puccinia morthieri Körn. on Geranium sylvaticum L. and further rusts. The description of P. trollii from the author’s samples is given, the host plants are stated, the genus Trollius is briefly characterized and the world distribution of P. trollii is presented.
KOKEŠ P., MÜLLER J. (2004): Checklist of downy mildews, rusts and smuts of Moravia and Silesia. [plant-parasitic fungi, occurrence, regions of the Czech Republic, Peronosporales, Sclerosporales, Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes] Czech Mycology 56(1-2): 121-148 (published: 12th August, 2004)
This checklist includes 736 taxa of downy mildews, rusts and smuts reported from Moravia and Czech Silesia, Czech Republic. There are 114 species parasiting oncrops and other cultivated plants. The list includes the frequency of occurrence, i. e. commonness or rarity of individual taxa. The work is based on literature data.
MÜLLER J. (2003): Rost-, Brand- und Falsche Mehltaupilze neu für Mähren und tschechisch Schlesien. [Peronosporales, Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes, Moravia, Czech Silesia] Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 277-290 (published: 22nd December, 2003)
27 species and 1 variety (7 species of Peronosporales s. str., 17 species and 1 variety of Urediniomycetes and 3 species of Ustilaginomycetes) from Moravia and Czech Silesia so far not published, are reported. From that Peronospora arthurii, P. statices, Plasmopara angustiterminalis, Coleosporium doronici, Frommeëlla mexicana var. indicae, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum and Puccinia ruebsaamenii are new for the Czech Republic.
DIETRICH W., MÜLLER J. (2001): The rust fungi, smut fungi and downy mildews in the Czech part of Krušné hory (Erzgebirge). [Krušné hory, Peronosporales, Uredinales, Ustilaginales] Czech Mycology 53(1): 89-118 (published: 10th June, 2001)
In years 1849-2000 it has been found in Czech part of Krušné hory 101 species, subspecies and varieties of Uredinales, 21 of Ustilaginales and 45 of Peronosporales on 229 species of host plants. There are documented host plants, localities, years of findings and collectors. A historical survey of myc of loristical research of these micromycetes is presented. All species has been filed into typical plant formations. Characteristic species for highest mountain sites are enumerated. Statements of literature are compared with actual data. The new hosts in Czech republic are following: for Peronospora myosotidis Myosotis nemorosa, for Coleosporium senecionis and Puccinia silvatica Senecio hercynicus, for Melampsoridium betulinum Betula nana.
MÜLLER J. (1999): Peronospora swinglei - ein neuer Falscher Mehltaupilz für die Tschechische Republik. [Peronospora swinglei, description, hosts, distribution] Czech Mycology 51(2-3): 185-191 (published: 25th May, 1999)
In 1984-1995 Peronospora swinglei was found in the Moravian Carston Salvia verticillata and S. pratensis and in Brno on cultivated Salvia officinalis. The description of the downy mildew on Salvia verticillata is given, the host plants and the world distribution according to the host plants with remarks about the ecology of the occurrence are stated.
MÜLLER J. (1995): Australischer Rostpilz Puccinia lagenophorae auch in der Tschechischen und Slowakischen Republik und in Ungarn. [Puccinia lagenophorae, Senecio vulgaris, Czech republic, Slovak republic, Hungary] Czech Mycology 48(2): 161-167 (published: 25th September, 1995)
In the 1990 - 1994 Puccinia lagenophorae Cooke (both aecia and telia) has been found for the first timeon Senecio vulgaris in Czech republic (at 9 localities), Slovak republic and Hungary. A description is given of the rust fungus incl. its markings estimated by SEM. The overwintering of aecial stage was observed in Brno. The host plants are compiled and the possibly way of introduction of the mentioned rust into Europe is discussed.
MÜLLER J. (1991): Urocystis rytzii (Massenot) Müller - ein neuer Brandpilz für die Karpaten. Česká Mykologie 45(3): 69-74 (published: 31st October, 1991)
MÜLLER J. (1985): Ustilago trichophora (Link) Kunze ex Körn. –ein neuer Brandpilz für die Tschechoslowakei. Česká Mykologie 39(3): 144-149 (published: 1985)
MÜLLER J., SKALICKÝ V. (1983): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Peronospora - Arten auf Astragalus s. 1. Česká Mykologie 37(1): 1-11 (published: 28th February, 1983)
MÜLLER J. (1977): Über die Verbreitung der Puccinia scillae Linhart. Česká Mykologie 31(3): 173-178 (published: 1977)
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