Search for "legon n.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "LEGON": 2 articles found.
ANTONÍN V., LEGON N.W. (2008): Gymnopus obscuroides (Agaricomycetes, Omphalotaceae), a new species of sect. Levipedes from England. [Agaricales, Omphalotaceae, Alkalivirentes, Gymnopus obscuroides, new species, England] Czech Mycology 60(1): 13-19 (published: 4th July, 2008)
A new species, Gymnopus obscuroides Antonín & Legon (Agaricomycetes, Omphalotaceae), is described. It is characterised by having a very long, floccose stipe, an initially dark purplish-brown then more mahogany-brown pileus, pallid pinkish-beige lamellae, rather large, subfusoid, ellipsoid-fusoid, lacrimoid to pip-shaped basidiospores, cylindrical, clavate, (sub)fusoid, subutriform, regular, irregular to subcoralloid cheilocystidia, a pileipellis consisting of radially arranged, cylindrical, scatteredly diverticulate, cylindrical, narrowly clavate or narrowly lageniform caulocystidia, and distinctly incrusted ochraceous-brown (in H O) hyphae, these becoming brown-olivaceous in KOH. It belongs to 2 sect. Levipedes (Fr.) Halling, subsect. Alkalivirentes Antonín & Noordel.
LEGON N., ROBERTS P. (2002): Steccherinum albidum: a new species from southern England. [England, Steccherinum, taxonomy] Czech Mycology 54(1-2): 7-9 (published: 3rd October, 2002)
The hydnoid, corticioid fungus Steccherinum albidum (Basidiomycota) is described as new from West Sussex in southern England. Basidiomes are whitish when fresh, resupinate to pileate, and are microscopically distinct in having unusally small, suballantoid basidiospores.
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