Search for "knobloch e.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "KNOBLOCH": 1 article found.
KNOBLOCH E., KOTLABA F. (1994): Trametites eocenicus, a new fossil polypore from the Bohemian Eocene. [Trametites eocenicus, fossil polypore, Upper Eocene, Bohemia, Czech Republic] Czech Mycology 47(3): 207-213 (published: 17th June, 1994)
Trametites eocenicus Knobloch et Kotl. (Polyporaceae) from Radvanov, the Staré Sedlo Formation (Lower Tertiary, Upper Eocene) in W Bohemia (Czech Republic) is described. This fossil lignicolous polypore grew most probably in a subtropical forest formed of broad-leaved evergreen angiospermous plants.
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