KOTLABA F., KLÁN J. (1994): A handful of Aphyllophorales collected in Greece. [Aphyllophorales, host plants, Greece] Czech Mycology 47(3): 199-206 (published: 17th June, 1994)
KLÁN J., ZIMA T., BAUDIŠOVÁ D. (1994): Potentiated effect of ethanol on Amanita phalloides poisoning. [Amanita phalloides, ethanol, poisoning] Czech Mycology 47(2): 145-150 (published: 15th March, 1994)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D. (1994): Enzyme N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) as an early marker of intoxications by the Cortinarius species (nephrotoxic syndrom). [Cortinarius species, nephrotoxic syndrom, enzyme N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase] Czech Mycology 47(1): 65-72 (published: 6th January, 1994)
KLÁN J. (1992): Two Gerronema species growing on Marchantia thalli 1. G. marchantiae Sing. et Clém., 2. G. postii (Fr.) Sing. Česká Mykologie 46(1-2): 121-125 (published: 1st April, 1993)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D., SKÁLA Z. (1992): Enzymy activity of mycelial cultures of saprotrophic macromycetes (Basidiomycotina). III. A taxonomic application. Česká Mykologie 46(1-2): 75-85 (published: 1st April, 1993)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D. (1990): Toxicity of Amanita phalloides (Fr.) Link in a vinegar brine. Česká Mykologie 44(4): 225-227 (published: 26th November, 1990)
KLÁN J. (1990): Lignin test - its mycotoxicological and chemotaxonomical significance. Česká Mykologie 44(4): 220-224 (published: 26th November, 1990)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D. (1990): Enzyme activity of mycelial cultures of saprotrophic macromycetes (Basidiomycotina and Ascomycotina). II. Methods of oxidoreductases estimation. Česká Mykologie 44(4): 212-219 (published: 26th November, 1990)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D. (1990): Enzyme activity of mycelial cultures of saprotrophic macromycetes (Basidiomycotina). I. Methods of hydrolases estimation. Česká Mykologie 44(4): 203-211 (published: 26th November, 1990)
KLÁN J., RULFOVÁ I. (1989): Antibiotic activity of cultures of some saprotrophic basidiomycetous fungi. Česká Mykologie 43(2): 85-95 (published: 2nd May, 1989)
KLÁN J., BAUDIŠOVÁ D., BENEŠ K. (1989): Cytochemical demonstration of enzymes in hyphae of mycelial cultures of macromycetes (Ascomycotina and Basidiomycotina). I. Esterases and glycosidases. Česká Mykologie 43(1): 30-35 (published: 6th February, 1989)
KLÁN J., ŘANDA Z., BENADA J., HORYNA J. (1988): Investigation of non-radioactive Rb, Cs, and radiocaesium in higher fungi. Česká Mykologie 42(3): 158-169 (published: 12th August, 1988)
KLÁN J. (1986): The calcium oxylate spherocrystals in mycelial culture of Phallus impudicus L.: Pers. Česká Mykologie 40(2): 95-98 (published: 10th May, 1986)
KLÁN J. (1984): The genus Xeromphalina (Tricholomataceae) in Europe. Česká Mykologie 38(4): 205-217 (published: 1984)
KLÁN J. (1983): Melanoleuca iris in Czechoslovakia (Agaricakes, Tricholomataceae). Česká Mykologie 37(1): 52-55 (published: 1983)
KLÁN J., KOTILOVÁ-KUBIČKOVÁ L. (1982): Macrofungi from the West Caucasus Part I. Aphyllophoraceous Fungi (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycetes). Česká Mykologie 36(1): 20-39 (published: 1982)
KUBIČKOVÁ L., KLÁN J. (1981): Notes on Mycena renati Quél., M. viridimarginata P. Karst. and M. luteoalcalina Sing. (Agaricales). Česká Mykologie 35(1): 32-43 (published: 1981)
MICKA K., KLÁN J. (1980): Chemical spot tests of macromycetes with benzidine. Česká Mykologie 34(2): 74-81 (published: 1980)
KLÁN J., KUBIČKOVÁ L. (1979): Arrhenia auriscalpium (Fr.) Fr., a new species in the mycoflora of the Soviet Union. Česká Mykologie 33(1): 40-46 (published: 1979)
KLÁN J. (1979): Clitocybe collina (Velen.) Klán, a characteristic species of dry non-sylvan communities. Česká Mykologie 33(1): 36-39 (published: 1979)
KLÁN J. (1978): Flammulina ononidis Arnolds, ein besonderer Steppen-Samtfussrübling in der Tschechosliwakei. Česká Mykologie 32(4): 205-214 (published: 1978)
KLÁN J. (1978): Inonotus tamaricis (Pat.) Maire in Greece, its general distribution and taxonomic notes to the section Phymatopilus Donk. Česká Mykologie 32(1): 47-54 (published: 1978)