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Probable match (100%) "BARLUZZI": 1 article found.
LAGANÀ A., SALERNI E., BARLUZZI C., PERINI C., DE DOMINICIS V. (2000): Mycocoenological studies in Mediterranean forest ecosystems: calcicolous deciduous oak woods of central-southern Tuscany (Italy). [mycocoenology, calcicolous deciduous oak woods, Mediterranean] Czech Mycology 52(1): 1-16 (published: 21st January, 2000)
The results of mycocoenological studies carried out in calcicolous deciduous oak woods of central-southern Tuscany are reported. Comparison with there sults of studies in other for est ecosystems of the same area revealed exclusive differential species of deciduous oak woods and clarified the knowledge on mycocoenoses of central-southern Tuscany. The obtained in formation on individual species is also useful for understanding the relatively unexplored field of the ecology of macrofungi.
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