Search for "RAMSHAJ Q.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "RAMSHAJ": 1 article found.
RAMSHAJ Q., RUSEVSKA K., TOFILOVSKA S., KARADELEV M. (2021): Checklist of macrofungi from oak forests in the Republic of Kosovo. [fungi, taxa, Balkan Peninsula, diversity, ecology, rare species.] Czech Mycology 73(1): 21-42 (published: 12th February, 2021) Electronic supplement
In the period from 2017 to 2019 a survey of the diversity of fungi in oak forests in the Republic of Kosovo was conducted. The survey included 31 localities, mainly in Quercetum frainetto-cerris and Querco-Carpinetum orientalis communities. As a result of the fieldwork performed in various seasons, a first checklist of fungi from oak forests in the country is provided. A total of 220 taxa (219 species and one forma) were identified. The majority of the identified taxa belong to Basidiomycota (206) and only 14 species to Ascomycota. The paper provides a list of all recorded species with data on locality, altitude, time of collection, forest association and type of substrate. Distribution and ecology of selected rare or threatened species are briefly discussed.
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