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Probable match (100%) "PAULECH": 5 articles found.
PAULECH P., ZLINSKÁ J., SZITTAYOVÁ S. (1997): Anthracoidea michelii and Thecaphora affinis in Slovakia. [Anthracoidea michelii, Thecaphora affinis, characteristic, Slovakia, Považský Inovec Mts., smut fungi] Czech Mycology 50(2): 119-125 (published: 16th December, 1997)
Two smut species (Ustilaginales) rare or new for Slovakia were detected in the mountains of Považský Inovec: Anthracoidea michelii Vánky on Carex michelii Host and Thecaphora affinis Schneider ex Fischer von Waldheim on Astragalus glycyphyllos L. The morphology of the fungi and a short characteristic of the locations of their occurrence are described in the paper.
PAULECH C., PAULECH P. (1996): Occurrence of phytopathogenous micromycetes of the order Erysiphales in the national park Slovenský raj. [Erysiphales, genera and species, host plants] Czech Mycology 49(2): 107-118 (published: 13th October, 1996)
Fifty five species of phytopathogenous micromycetes of the order Erysiphales from the followinggenerawere detected on investigated territory: Sphaero the ca (12 species), Podosphaera (4), Erysiphe (22), Blumeria (1), Microsphaera (10), Sawadaea (1), Uncinula (2), Phyllactinia (2) and Oidium (1). For individual species the biometric variability of conidia dimensions, cleistothecial diameter, ascus and ascospore dimensions are given. The detected species were parasitizing on 129 host plant species.
PAULECH P., PAULECH C. (1995): Discribution and ecophysiological characterics of the fungus Tilletia controversa in Slovakia. [Tilletia controversa Kühn, distribution, Slovakia, ecophysiological characteristics] Czech Mycology 48(3): 207-216 (published: 22nd December, 1995)
The distribution area of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn (dwarf bunt) and its host plants range in the Slovakian territory was studied. The mentioned fungus was detected on Triticum aestivum L. Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. and on Elytrigia intermedia (Host.) Nevski. This contribution contains the basic morphological and ecophysiological characteristics of the fungus populations of infected plants. The fungus is wide-spread especially in central and eastern Slovakia. It was found on winter wheat stands at 777 locations (cadastral territories) and at 4 locations on species of the genus Elytrigia.
PAULECH P., PAULECH C., LIŠKA M. (1994): Distribution and characteristics of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn in the stands of winter wheat in eastern Slovakia. [Tilletia controversa Kühn, distribution, Slovakia, characteristics, winter wheat] Czech Mycology 47(1): 73-80 (published: 6th January, 1994)
Tilletia controversa is strongly distributed in the stands of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the eastern Slovakia. During the years 1957-1992 the fungus was found in 307 localities (com munes, cadastral territories) in 12 districts. Its occurrence was mostly abundant in the following districts: Bardejov, Humenné and Prešov. Lower occurrence was detected in districts: Svidník and Vranov nad Topľou, too. It occurrs also in the districts Rožňava, Košice, Trebišov, Poprad, Spišská Nová Ves, Stará Lubovňa, and Michalovce in some degree. The contribution contains the list of localities, years and intensity of its occurrence, morphologicaland ecophysiological characteristics of the chlamydospores of the fungus. The knowledge of T. controversa occurrence will contribute to increase efficiency of the protection of wheat against the cited pathogen.
PAULECH P. (1992): Characteristic of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn and its new locality on dog’s grass (Elytrida Desv.). Česká Mykologie 46(1-2): 131-137 (published: 1st April, 1993)
In this contribution is described a new locality of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn on Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski and E. repens (L.) Desv. It occurs on the slope of the Vrchná hora hill in the land register Mást I, in the western part of the Malé Karpaty Mountains, near the village Stupava. The fungus population is defined by morphological and ecophysiological characteristics of its chlamydospores and by results of growth depression analysis of infected host plants. Light and low temperature were necessary for germination. The dormancy period of the fungus was 28–30 days. The infection lowered significantly the length of the spike and highly significantly the height of plants, length of the stem and upper internodium, as well as the number of internodes.
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