Search for "KOCOURKOVÁ-HORÁKOVÁ J.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "KOCOURKOVÁ-HORÁKOVÁ": 2 articles found.
KOCOURKOVÁ-HORÁKOVÁ J. (1998): Distribution and ecology of the genus Thelocarpon (Lecaronales, Thelocarpaceae) in the Czech Republic. [Thelocarpon, pycnidia, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, distribution maps, ecology] Czech Mycology 50(4): 271-302 (published: 12th July, 1998)
Of the 20 currently accepted species of the genus ThelocarponNyl. 8 species are reported from the Czech Republic: T. epibolum, T. impressellum, T. intermediellum, T. laureri, T. lichenicola, T. olivaceum, T. pallidum and T. superellum. 5 species, T. epibolum, T. intermediellum, T. olivaceum, T. pallidum and T. superellum, are new for the Czech Republic. T. laureri is found to be a common species. T. epibolum and T. lichenicola areherereported froma number of localities, T. superellum is reported from 3 localities, T. olivaceum from 2 localities and both T. impressellum and T. pallidumonlyfrom 1 locality. A keyto these species, distribution maps, localities as well as data on the ecology of all included species are provided. T. impressellum and T. lichenicola are reported for the first time from the Slovak Republic. Also, several additional records of T. epibolum and T. laureri are given from this country. Pycnidia of T. epibolum, T. intermediellum and T. lichenicola have been discovered and are described for the first time. Drawings of all these are added.
KOCOURKOVÁ-HORÁKOVÁ J. (1998): Records of new, rare or overlooked lichens from the Czech Republic. [Czech Republic, Křivoklátsko, lichens and lichenicolous fungi, distribution, rare species] Czech Mycology 50(3): 223-239 (published: 16th May, 1998)
Alist of 26 species of lichens and 2 lichenicolous fungi from the CzechRepublic with comments isgiven. 11speciesarenew for the country: the lichensAbsconditelladelutula, Aspiciliamoenium, Bacidina chloroticula, Epigloea medioincrassata, Lecanora pseudistera, Micarea botryoides, Phaeocalicium compressulum, Trapeliopsis pseudogranulosa, Xanthoria calcicola and the lichen icolous fungiEndococcus pseudocarpus and Zwackhiomyces sphinctrinoides; 4 lichens are new for Bohemia (Agonimia tristicula, Bacidina amoldiana, Buellia epigaea, Endocarpon psorodeum) and 1 for Moravia (Absconditella lignicola). Belonia incamata is new for the Šumava Mts. Diploicia canescens, Parmelia glabra and Parmelia revoluta, species which had been missing in the Czech Republic for a long period of time, were recently rediscovered. Other included lichens are very rarely found and are known from only a few localities in the Czech Republic. A large number of recordsare from the Protected Landscape Area Křivoklátsko, in the Rakovník District.
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