Search for "GÖNCZÖL J.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "GÖNCZÖL": 2 articles found.
GÖNCZÖL J., RÉVAY Á. (2011): Aquatic hyphomycetes and other water-borne fungi in Hungary. [aquatic hyphomycetes, canopy fungi, Hungary] Czech Mycology 63(2): 133-151 (published: 10th August, 2011)
The history of research on aquatic hyphomycetes from various aquatic and terrestrial habitats in Hungary since the early 1900s is presented. Published and unpublished records of 117 species are listed, including those of some terrestrial hyphomycetes found in stream foam.
GÖNCZÖL J., MARVANOVÁ L. (2002): Anguillospora mediocris sp. nov. from streams in Hungary. [aquatic hyphomycetes, taxonomy, ecology] Czech Mycology 53(4): 309-317 (published: 3rd October, 2002)
Anguillospora mediocris sp. nov. is described from the Morgó stream system in Hungary. It produces relatively short, falcate or sigmoid conidia on percurrent conidiogenous cells. Apycnidial microconidial synanamorph was observed in pure culture. The natural substrate is leaves, mainly of alder (Alnus glutinosa). The fungus seems to prefer hard waters. Conidiain nature, even when abundant in stream, occur only sporadically in foam.
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