Search for "DUTTA A.K.": 0 articles found.
Probable match (100%) "DUTTA": 1 article found.
SAHA R., DUTTA A.K., ACHARYA K. (2022): Murinicarpus subadustus: a new record from India, its morphology and phylogeny. [Agaricomycetes, phylogeny, Polyporaceae, taxonomy.] Czech Mycology 74(1): 103-109 (published: 2nd May, 2022)
Murinicarpus subadustus described from China is the only species of the genus Murinicarpus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). There is no other report of this genus from any other country except China. Here, we report M. subadustus as a novelty to the macrofungal biota of India. This unique species is identified based on morphological features and nrDNA ITS-based phylogenetic analysis. A thorough macro- and microscopic characterisation along with field photographs, line drawings of microscopic structures and comparisons with morphologically and phylogenetically related taxa are provided.
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