DERMEK A. (1978): A contribution to the mycoflora of the forests on environs of the villages Brodské, Čáry, Gbely, Kopčany, Kúty and Smolinské (Western Slovakia). (with coloured plates No.93 and 94). Česká Mykologie 32(4): 215-225 (published: 1978)
DERMEK A., VESELSKÝ J. (1977): Inocybe fastigiata (Schaeff. ex Fr.) Quél. And its subspecific taxonomy. (With colored plate No. 92). Česká Mykologie 31(4): 189-192 (published: 1977)
DERMEK A., KUTHAN J., SINGER R. (1976): An interesting subspecies of Boletus erythropus (Fr. ex Fr.) Krombh. (With colored plate No. 89). Česká Mykologie 30(1): 1-2 (published: 1st February, 1976)
DERMEK A. (1975): In honour of the seventy fifth birthday of Igor Fábry. Česká Mykologie 29(2): 124-126 (published: 1975)
DERMEK A. (1974): Pleurotus eryngii (DC. ex Fr.) Quél. in Slovakia (Tab. 85). Česká Mykologie 28(1): 57-59 (published: 1974)
PILÁT A., DERMEK A. (1969): Rubinoboletus and genus novum Boletacearum. Česká Mykologie 23(2): 81-82 (published: 20th April, 1969)
DERMEK A. (1968): A contribution toward a mycoflora of the Boletaceae of Záhorská nížina and the environs of Bratislava (tab. 68). Česká Mykologie 22(2): 106-111 (published: 1968)
DERMEK A. (1967): Leccinum scabrum (Bull. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray f. chioneum (Fr.) Vasilk. In West Slovakia (tab. 64). Česká Mykologie 21(2): 110-111 (published: 1967)