Search for "zehnÁlek": 6 articles found.
HOLEC J., ZEHNÁLEK P. (2024): Noteworthy record of Gymnopilus stabilis (Fungi, Agaricales) from a burnt area after a great fire in Bohemian Switzerland National Park, Czech Republic. [Basidiomycota, Hymenogastraceae, morphology, ITS rDNA, taxonomy, ecology, distribution.] Czech Mycology 76(1): 83-94 (published: 14th June, 2024)
A new record of the rare agaric species Gymnopilus stabilis from the Czech Republic is described morphologically and genetically. The basidiomata show good agreement with the recently published epitype and diagnostic characters of the species. While the robustness of the basidiomata, the presence of a pink hue, and a distinct sweetish aromatic smell are typical characters, though not always present, the predominantly warm orange colour of adult pilei seems to be stable character. The combination of fleshy basidiomata and typical pileus colour distinguishes G. stabilis from G. penetrans/hybridus and G. decipiens, which are taxa sometimes confused with G. stabilis. Comparison of the nearest ITS rDNA sequences from GenBank confirmed the identity of our record and showed that the species is distributed not only in Europe and Siberia, but also in Pakistan and India. The ecological characterisation of G. stabilis is updated, showing that it is a saprotrophic species on dead wood of conifers, both Pinus and Picea, but also a facultative anthracophilous fungus able to grow on burnt wood and ash.
HOLEC J., DVOŘÁK D., ZÍBAROVÁ L., BERAN M., ZEHNÁLEK P., PEIGER M., KUNCA V. (2023): Mycena laevigata (Fungi, Agaricales) in the heart of Central Europe – a prominent species of old-growth forests. [Basidiomycota, distribution, ecology, naturalness, nature conservation, Czech Republic, Slovakia, ITS, taxonomy.] Czech Mycology 75(1): 35-52 (published: 4th May, 2023) Electronic supplement
The distribution and ecology of Mycena laevigata was evaluated in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We collected data on records from 32 Czech and 32 Slovak localities, mostly from dead wood of spruce, but also fir and rarely pine. Mycena laevigata is a distinctly submontane to supramontane species with its distribution peak in the montane zone and rare occurrence in the subalpine zone. Preferred habitats are supramontane spruce forests, submontane/montane mixed forests (beech, spruce, fir) and submontane beech/fir forests. Several extrazonal habitats are known, namely waterlogged spruce forests, bog forests and ravine forests. Records of M. laevigata clearly dominate in old-growth forests under protection, which are rich in dead wood of spruce and/or fir, while records from managed forests are extremely rare. The species is able to fructify on wood of all decay stages, but most frequently at advanced stages, from May to November, with peaks in June and September. The prevailing occurrence in old-growth forests shows that the species requires not only presence of dead conifer wood in any cold and humid environment, but also some degree of habitat continuity, i.e. minor human impact on the forest ecosystem. The species can therefore be used as a good indicator of habitat preservation. Its taxonomic identity was verified molecularly using the ITS sequence from Czechia. Sequences of Asian samples are somewhat different from the European ones. Its distribution in Europe is summarised and its ecology in other parts of Europe discussed.
HOLEC J., KUNCA V., KŘÍŽ M., ZEHNÁLEK P. (2022): Cyphella digitalis (Fungi, Agaricales) – new data on ITS barcode, ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. [Cyphellaceae, Abies alba, old-growth forests, substrate, phenology.] Czech Mycology 74(1): 77-92 (published: 22nd April, 2022) Electronic supplement
Records of Cyphella digitalis from the Czech Republic and Slovakia are summarised and discussed. ITS barcode of two collections was obtained to document their conspecificity with the only so far sequenced sample originating from the Alps. In the study area, C. digitalis is rare with ten localities known from the 20th century and nine recorded in the 21st century. They are situated in the Bohemian Forest and several mountain ranges of the Western and Eastern Carpathians. The elevation range of the records is 525–1200 m a.s.l. All records are from Abies alba, mostly branches attached to freshly fallen trunks and sticking out into the air. Basidiomata occur in Fagus-Abies or Fagus-Abies-Picea forests from September to March with a peak in September–November. Most stands represent old-growth forests under protection. Ecology and distribution are discussed in a broad European context. The much lower number of records in the Czech Republic and Slovakia compared to more western countries could have, among other things, also biogeographical reasons, i.e. decrease in occurrence with increasing continentality to the east.
HOLEC J., ZEHNÁLEK P. (2021): Remarks on taxonomy and ecology of Dentipratulum bialoviesense based on records from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic. [Fungi, Basidiomycota, Russulales, Auriscalpiaceae, ITS rDNA, natural forests.] Czech Mycology 73(2): 121-135 (published: 1st July, 2021)
Two recent records of the rare fungus Dentipratulum bialoviesense from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic were documented morphologically and molecularly. One collection from the type locality, Białowieża virgin forest in Poland, was used for morphological comparison.The Boubínský prales collections agree with the Białowieża collection in macro- and micromorphological characters and ecology, namely their growth on decaying wood of Picea abies in natural forest. Simultaneously, Boubínský prales collections clearly differ in their ITS rDNA region from the only published Dentipratulum sequence based on a collection from France, originally identified as D. bialoviesense but currently representing a paratype of the recently described species D. crystallinum. Consequently, the Boubínský prales sequences most likely represent the first sequence data of D. bialoviesense. Notes on the taxonomy and ecology of D. bialoviesense and D. crystallinum are added, suggesting that the identity of all collections should be verified molecularly in future, especially those from wood of broadleaved trees in France. Photographs of dried basidiomata and key micromorphological characters of D. bialoviesense from Boubínský prales and Białowieża are provided.
HOLEC J., ZEHNÁLEK P. (2020): Taxonomy of Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium, H. abietina, H. josserandii, and one record of H. tremula. [fungi, morphology, DNA study, ecology, distribution, Europe.] Czech Mycology 72(2): 199-220 (published: 8th October, 2020)
The taxonomy of Hohenbuehelia auriscalpium (Fungi, Basidiomycota, Pleurotaceae) and its putative synonym H. abietina is evaluated based on material from natural forests in the Czech Republic and Ukraine. The rare species H. josserandii is described in detail based on rich collections from Boubínský prales virgin forest in the Czech Republic. All specimens were studied both morphologically and molecularly (ITS and 28S nrDNA, EF1-α). The recently published conclusion that H. auriscalpium and H. abietina are conspecific was confirmed. The species grows on wood of deciduous trees as well as conifers. The thickness of the gelatinous pileus layer and the presence or absence of pileocystidia proved to be taxonomically irrelevant. One collection from the studied dataset significantly deviates by its DNA sequences and may represent a separate taxon close to H. auriscalpium. Another collection originally identified as H. auriscalpium turned out to be H. tremula. A higher range of some morphological characters was found in H. josserandii as compared with published data. The species prefers wood of Abies alba, namely branches of trees which fell 2–3 years ago.
KOTLABA F., ZEHNÁLEK P. (2018): Sixteen gasteromycetes collected in Cuba 50 years ago [new records, Geastrum spp., taxonomy, nomenclature, distribution] Czech Mycology 70(2): 185-209 (published: 14th December, 2018)
Sixteen species of gasteromycetes were identified in 50-year old collections from Cuba, including five species new to this island. The species Calvatia cyathiformis, Clathrus columnatus, Clathrus crispus, Cyathus limbatus, Diplocystis wrightii, Rhizopogon sp., Scleroderma tenerum and Tulostoma floridanum had already been reported from Cuba, whereas Disciseda hyalothrix and Lycogalopsis solmsii represent new records for this country. Six species belong to the genus Geastrum, of which G. pectinatum agg., G. schweinitzii agg. and G. velutinum agg. were already known from Cuba, but three species, G. corollinum, G. kotlabae and G. trichiferum, are new to the Cuban mycobiota. Each species is provided with a brief description followed by taxonomic notes, and distribution.
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