Search for "ZEMANOVÁ L.": 1 article found.
EGERTOVÁ Z., GAISLER J., ZEMANOVÁ L., HRADÍLEK Z. (2016): Mniaecia jungermanniae (Helotiales), an overlooked bryophilous ascomycete in the Liberec Region (Czech Republic). [bryophilous fungi, Jungermanniales, leafy liverworts, North Bohemia] Czech Mycology 68(2): 149-165 (published: 14th October, 2016)
Mniaecia jungermanniae, a tiny inoperculate ascomycete growing on leafy liverworts of the order Jungermanniales, was recorded at 66 localities in the Liberec Region (Czech Republic) since December 2013 to May 2015. It was noticed on 17 species of liverworts, with Cephalozia bicuspidata, Calypogeia neesiana, C. azurea and Diplophyllum albicans being the most frequently inhabited ones.The species was recorded on rocks and boulders as well as on soil on forest tracks and along streams, exceptionally on wood. The geological bedrock was acidic in all cases – sandstone, granite or phyllite.The altitude of the localities ranged between 315 and 1215 m a.s.l. Localities were predominantly located in the shade in coniferous and broad-leaved forests, always with a rich occurrence of liverworts.Hitherto known localities in the Czech Republic are also summarised in the article.
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