Search for "de kesel a.": 1 article found.
ANTONÍN V., DE KESEL A. (2012): Crinipellis beninensis (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae), a new species from Benin (tropical Africa). [macromycetes, Agaricales, taxonomy, anatomic-morphological characters, tropical fungi] Czech Mycology 64(2): 175-180 (published: 7th December, 2012)
A new species, Crinipellis beninensis, characterised by having a reddish grey to dull red, later paler, and at centre more brownish (greyish brown to reddish brown) pileus, rather small basidiospores, mostly coralloid or branched cheilocystidia, pileus and stipe hairs yellow-brown in H O 2 and KOH, and by the absence of pleurocystidia, is described. To date, it is known from two localities in Benin. The characters in which it differs from similar taxa are also discussed.
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