Search for "GUTTOVÁ A.": 1 article found.
JANČOVIČOVÁ S., MIŠÍKOVÁ K., GUTTOVÁ A., BLANÁR D. (2011): The ecological knowledge on Crepidotus kubickae - a case study from central Slovakia. [Inocybaceae, C. cesatii var. subsphaerosporus, Norway spruce forests, ecology, syntaxonomy] Czech Mycology 63(2): 215-241 (published: 10th August, 2011)
The ecological knowledge on Crepidotus kubickae is not only insufficient in Slovakia but also in the rest of Europe. In the years 2008–2011, a case study was therefore carried out in central Slovakia to find out more data on its habitats and substrate preferences. During the research, 30 collections were gathered at seven localities of the Veporské vrchy Mts., Stolické vrchy Mts. and Muránska planina Plateau.The substrates of the collections were precisely described and collecting sites characterised and documented by phytocoenological relevés. In the selected area, C. kubickae occurred in several types of spruce or mixed forests (with dominance of Picea abies); namely in six associations of forest communities: Vaccinio myrtilli-Piceetum, Athyrio alpestris-Piceetum, Calamagrostio variae-Abietetum, cf.Cortuso-Fagetum, cf. Poo chaixii-Fagetum, and Dentario enneaphylli-Fagetum. The altitude of most collecting sites was above 1100 m a. s. l. The species preferred dead corticated fallen and standing stems of Picea abies of approx. 15–100 cm in diameter, aged about 70–180 years. In this paper, also the ecological knowledge on C. kubickae in Europe is summarised.
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