Search for "RIPKOVÁ S.": 8 articles found.
RIPKOVÁ S., GLEJDURA S. (2010): Crepidotus ehrendorferi in Slovakia and taxonomic notes on related species. [Basidiomycota, Inocybaceae, Crepidotus applanatus, C. crocophyllus, C. stenocystis, C. malachioides, ecology, occurrence] Czech Mycology 61(2): 175-185 (published: 10th August, 2010)
Described in 1988 from Austria, Crepidotus ehrendorferi Hauskn. et Krisai was recorded in Slovakia in 2009 for the first time. It was found on Tilia cordata, a hitherto unknown host. Macro– and micromorphological characters of the Slovak collections are described and illustrated. The identification and confusion of C. ehrendorferi with other Crepidotus species is discussed; the knowledge of its occurrence, ecology and threat is summarised.
RIPKOVÁ S., ADAMČÍK S., KUČERA V. (2008): Flammulina ononidis - a new species for Slovakia. [fungi, Basidiomycota, Xerulaceae, distribution, ecology, biology] Czech Mycology 60(2): 221-230 (published: 27th February, 2009)
Although described in 1977 from Germany, Flammulina ononidis Arnolds was found in Slovakia in 2002 for the first time. Macro– and micromorphological characters of the Slovak collections are described and illustrated. The delimitation of F. ononidis is discussed and the knowledge of its distribution, ecology, biology and threat is summarised.
ADAMČÍK S., RIPKOVÁ S. (2008): New collections of Flammulina rossica. [fungi, Basidiomycota, Xerulaceae, distribution, morphology] Czech Mycology 60(1): 113-121 (published: 4th July, 2008)
Two specimens from Germany and one from South Dakota, USA, were identified as Flammulina rossica during the examination of the München herbarium (M) material of the genus Flammulina.Micromorphological characters of these specimens are described and illustrated. The variability and delimitation of F. rossica is discussed and the knowledge of its distribution, ecology, morphology and biology is summarized.
RIPKOVÁ S., ADAMČÍK S., KUČERA V. (2007): New, rare and less known macromycetes in Slovakia II. [Ascotremella faginea, Hygrocybe laeta, H. russocoriacea, Melanotus phillipsii, Panellus violaceofulvus, Xylaria filiformis, occurrence, ecology] Czech Mycology 59(2): 185-199 (published: 28th December, 2007)
Data on ecology, occurrence and endangerment of six rare and/or less known macromycetes collected in Slovakia are given. Although described more than a hundred years ago, only recent collections of Ascotremella faginea are known from Slovakia. Hygrocybe laeta and H. russocoriacea are red-listed in most European countries. Melanotus phillipsii, so far known only from the Belianske Tatry Mts., is published from four other areas. A new host of Panellus violaceofulvus was found and Xylaria filiformis is considered an overlooked species.
ADAMČÍK S., RIPKOVÁ S., ZALIBEROVÁ M. (2006): Diversity of Russulaceae in the Vihorlatské vrchy Mts. (Slovakia). [Russula, Lactarius, distribution, biodiversity, Slovakia, fungi] Czech Mycology 58(1-2): 43-66 (published: 10th August, 2006)
Russulaceae taxa were studied in selected (nine) localities in the Vihorlatské vrchy Mts. (Slovakia) in the years 2001–2003. The study was focused on their diversity, ecology and distribution. A total of 75 species were identified, from which four species, Lactarius romagnesii, Russula odorata, R. sericatula and R. zvarae, were not published from Slovakia before, and another eleven species are rare.
ADAMČÍK S., RIPKOVÁ S. (2004): First record of a Pseudobaeospora species from the Czech Republic. [fungi, Tricholomataceae, Pseudobaeospora] Czech Mycology 56(3-4): 239-246 (published: 22nd December, 2004)
During the fourth meeting of young mycologists in the Protected Landscape Area of Třeboňsko (16-19October2003) we found a taxon of the genusPseudobaeospora characterised by the absence of clamp-connections. Comparing our specimen with the two other European species with out clamp-connections, P. oligophylla (Singer) Singer and P. pillodii (Quél.) Wasser, we have come to the conclusion that our specimen does not fit either species. More specimens are needed for a definite delimitation of this presumably new taxon.
ADAMČÍK S., KUČERA V., LIZOŇ P., RIPKA J., RIPKOVÁ S. (2003): State of diversity research on macrofungi in Slovakia. [field research, overview, number of taxa, phytogeographical units, Slovakia] Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 201-213 (published: 22nd December, 2003)
Available published data on occurrence and distribution of macrofungi in Slovakia were collected and transferred into a database. Data reported in the checklist of Slovak fungi were complemented with additional data from published papers and books previously not included in the survey. The degree of knowledge of our mycoflora was extrapolated by comparing data in selected taxonomic groups and phytogeographical units, and is presented in schematic maps.
RIPKOVÁ S., HAGARA L. (2003): New, rare and less known macromycetes in Slovakia I. [Hyphodontia latitans, Hypoxylon ticinense, Phlebia ryvardenii, Pluteus aurantiorugosus, Rhodotus palmatus, Spongipellis fractipes, occurrence, ecology] Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 187-200 (published: 22nd December, 2003)
Data on ecology, Slovak and European occurrence and endangerment of six new, rare and/or less known macromycetes collected in Slovakia are given. Phlebia ryvardenii was found for the first time in Slovakia, Hyphodontia latitans was collected for the first time after more than one hundred years and a new locality of Spongipellis fractipes is reported, too. In addition, new localities and ecological data on Hypoxylon ticinense, Pluteus aurantiorugosus and Rhodotus palmatus are presented.
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