Search for "DIETRICH W.": 3 articles found.
BOYLE H., DIETRICH W., BRÄUTIGAM S. (2007): First report of the powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum on Telekia speciosa in Germany. [sun wheels, Erysiphales, anamorph, teleomorph] Czech Mycology 59(2): 201-204 (published: 28th December, 2007)
A first report of the occurrence of the powdery mildew Golovinomyces cichoracearum (DC.) V. P. Gelyuta on the neophyte Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. in Germany is given. At one locality, the host plant was additionally infected with the rust Coleosporium telekiae Thüm., the occurrence of which has as yet only rarely been reported for Germany.
DIETRICH W. (2005): Die Rost-, Brand- und Falschen Mehltaupilze des tschechischen Teiles des Erzgebirges (Krušné hory): erster Nachtrag. [Peronosporales, Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes, Czech Republic, Krušné hory] Czech Mycology 57(3-4): 257-273 (published: 10th February, 2006)
In the years 2000-2004 several species of Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes and Peronosporales were found that are new to the Czech part of the Krušné hory Mts. A total of 57 taxa had not been published before. In this region 227species, subspecies and varieties are known to date. The distribution of selected species is shortly discussed and compared with the literature. Characteristic species of the more arid and warmer area of the south-east as well as the highest altitudes of the Krušné hory Mts. are enumerated. New hosts in the Czech Republic are the following: Calthapalustris subsp.procumbens for Puccinia calthae, Chaerophyllumhirsutum for Puccinia bistortae, Pinus x pseudopumilio for Coleosporium senecionis, Poa chaixii for Puccinia graminis and Phyteuma nigrum for Uromyces phyteumatum. The western and eastern parts of the Krušné hory Mts. have so far been investigated only to a minor extent.
DIETRICH W., MÜLLER J. (2001): The rust fungi, smut fungi and downy mildews in the Czech part of Krušné hory (Erzgebirge). [Krušné hory, Peronosporales, Uredinales, Ustilaginales] Czech Mycology 53(1): 89-118 (published: 10th June, 2001)
In years 1849-2000 it has been found in Czech part of Krušné hory 101 species, subspecies and varieties of Uredinales, 21 of Ustilaginales and 45 of Peronosporales on 229 species of host plants. There are documented host plants, localities, years of findings and collectors. A historical survey of myc of loristical research of these micromycetes is presented. All species has been filed into typical plant formations. Characteristic species for highest mountain sites are enumerated. Statements of literature are compared with actual data. The new hosts in Czech republic are following: for Peronospora myosotidis Myosotis nemorosa, for Coleosporium senecionis and Puccinia silvatica Senecio hercynicus, for Melampsoridium betulinum Betula nana.
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