Search for "SPIRIN W.": 2 articles found.
SPIRIN W., ZMITROVICH I. (2007): Frantisekia - a new polypore genus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota). [Frantisekia, polypores, taxonomy] Czech Mycology 59(2): 141-151 (published: 28th December, 2007)
The new genus Frantisekia Spirin et Zmitr. is described, and three species are included in it – Frantisekia fissiliformis (Pilát) Spirin et Zmitr. comb. nov. (type of the genus), Frantisekia mentschulensis (Pilát ex Pilát) Spirin comb. nov., and Frantisekia ussurii (Y. C. Dai et Niemelä) Spirin comb. nov. These species are described, and their identity, ecology and distribution are briefly discussed. Tyromyces aurantiacus (Komarova) Komarova is regarded to be a synonym of Frantisekia mentschulensis.
KOUT J., VLASÁK J., SPIRIN V. (2014): Contribution to the Antrodiella americana species complex (Basidiomycota, Polyporales). [polypores, Basidiomycota, taxonomy, ecology] Czech Mycology 66(1): 53-60 (published: 4th June, 2014)
Two recently described polypores, Antrodiella niemelaei and A. chinensis, are newly reported from the Russian Far East and the first of them also from the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The correctness of the identification of both species was confirmed by sequencing of ribosomal DNA.Antrodiella chinensis is reported as a record new to Russia. Antrodiella niemelaei was collected on dead fruitbodies of Hymenochaete intricata and H. tabacina. Photographs of both species are presented.
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