Search for "hrouda p.": 5 articles found.
HROUDA P. (2005): Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 2. [Bankeraceae, distribution, Central Europe] Czech Mycology 57(3-4): 279-297 (published: 10th February, 2006)
The paper presents the second part of a study of the generaBankera, Phellodon, HydneUum, Sarcodon and Boletopsis in selected herbaria of Central Europe (Poland and northern Germany in this part). For each species, its occurrence and distribution is described. Historical changes of the occurrence of hydnaceous fungi in the Central European area are discussed at the end of the study.
HROUDA P. (2005): Bankeraceae in Central Europe. 1. [Bankeraceae, distribution, Central Europe] Czech Mycology 57(1-2): 57-78 (published: 31st August, 2005)
The paper presents a survey of there sults of a study of the genera Bankera, Phetlodon, HydneUum, Sarcodon and Boletopsis in selected herbaria of Central Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria and southern Germany in this first part). The general and current occurrence is described for each species and some possible problems are discussed under particular spe cies.
HROUDA P. (2001): Pleurotoid fungi of the family Polyporaceae in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. [Pleurotoid fungi, phenology, ecology, occurrence, distribution, Czech Republic, Slovakia] Czech Mycology 53(1): 29-87 (published: 10th June, 2001)
This paper presents a survey of the pleurotoid genera belonging to the family Polyporaceae in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is based on material deposited in Czech and Slovak herbaria as well as on published records of finds of the included species from the studied territory. For each species a short description is provided, accompanied by taxonomic or nomenclatoric notes in some problematic cases, and characters distinguishing it from related species are highlighted. Short notes about phenology, ecology, occurrence and distribution are included. The study is supplemented with distribution maps for individual species. A new combination, Neolentinus degener, is submitted instead of Neolentinus cyathi for mis (Schaeff.: Fr.) Redhead et Ginns.
HROUDA P. (1999): Hydnaceous fungi of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. [Hydnaceous fungi, occurrence, accompanying trees, distribution, Czech Republic, Slovakia] Czech Mycology 51(2-3): 99-155 (published: 25th May, 1999)
The paper presents a survey of there sults of a study of four hydnaceous genera - Bankera, Phellodon, Hydnellum and Sarcodon - in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It is based on material deposited in Czech and Slovak herbaria as well as on literature records of finds of the included species from the studied territory. For each species a short description is provided, highlighting characters distinguishing it from related species. Short notes about its ecology, occurrence and distribution are added. In the latter the actual state is compared with historic and literature data. The study is supplemented with distribution maps of individual species.
HROUDA P. (1996): Notes on two hydnums - Bankera violascens and Sarcodon versipellis. [Combination, Bankera cinerea, Bulliard’s illustration, exsiccates, Sarcodon balsamiodorus] Czech Mycology 49(1): 35-39 (published: 30th May, 1996)
This article deals with two questions concerning to hydnaceous fungi. I do not accept the name Bankera cinerea (Bull.: Fr.) Rauschert for Bankera violascens (Alb. et Schw.: Fr.) Pouz. The reason is that Bulliard’s illustration of Hydnum cinereum, on which Rauschert based his combination, in my opinion does not show a species of the genus Bankera. The characters, on which this statement is based, are given. The specimens of Sarcodon balsamiodorus Pouz. in schaedis from herbaria (PRM, BRA) belong, also according to the description of fresh material, to Sarcodon versipellis (Fr.) Quél.
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