Search for "homolka l.": 1 article found.
TOMŠOVSKÝ M., HOMOLKA L. (2003): Pigment production in incompatibility zones of Trametes versicolor is in correlation with the laccase activity of the dikaryons involved. [Basidiomycetes, Trametes versicolor, laccase, pigment, test] Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 155-160 (published: 22nd December, 2003)
A correlation between the extracellular laccase activity (estimated by a drop test using ABTS) and the presence of a dark pigmented zone in the pairing of different Trametes (Coriolus) versicolor dikaryons in vitro was studied. Al together 24 dikaryotic strains from different substrates and distant localities of three European countries were paired to each other and the pairings were checked for the presence of dark pigment in the contact zone. Using the \2 test, a positive correlation between the laccase activity and the presence of pigment was found.
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