Search for "KRISAI-GREILHUBER I.": 1 article found.
KRISAI-GREILHUBER I. (1996): Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae on Carex rostrata and C. lasiocarpa - the first records for Austria, and two further Austrian localities for Lanzia henningsiana. [Ascomycetes, Sclerotiniaceae, Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae, Lanzia heningsiana, Austrian mycoflora] Czech Mycology 48(4): 265-271 (published: 14th March, 1996)
The first Austrian records of Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae are presented. It is a northerly distributed species, rare in Central Europe, where only two localities in the Czech Republic are hitherto known. A detailed description of the Austrian collection is given, and the ecology and distribution of the species are discussed. Further, two new Austrian localities for Lanzia henningsiana are given.
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