This search looks into all content entries and also into index to genera and species.
How to use search
Use comma ( , ) between words to get MORE results - all articles containing ANY of your words will be shown.
Use asterisk ( * ) between words to get LESS results - only articles containing BOTH words will be returned.
Tip: try authors' names, years, locations,... or any combination of those
"šumav,bohemian forest"
Space inbetween words makes query to be handled as an EXACT PHRASE. This gets you LEAST results.
When searching for a specific fungus name only, use Index, or for results from index only use "|" between genera and specie.
Example: "amanita|beckeri"
Type at least 2 characters (letters and digits only).
Search is case-insensitive. Meaning: the case of letters (upper / lower) you use in your query doesn't matter.
Partial search is supported. Meaning: you don't have to type whole word, and you don't even have to start at the beginning - you can start from the middle.
Example: looking for moravicus or moravica, type "moravic".
Search results are sorted chronologically, newest articles on top.
If a search query contains a fungus name, some results can be highlighted -- marking articles containing significant information ('importance' data coming from Index)
About data sources:
Our searchbot looks for your query into 2 databases:
1. Article database -- author(s) names, article titles, keywords*, abstracts*, publication dates
2. Index -- genera and species of fungi mentioned in Czech Mycology articles **.
*) from vol.47 **) from vol.1 up to latest article
Search for "amanita|beckeri": 4 articles found.
HERINK J., POUZAR Z. (1986): Svatopluk Šebek sexagenarius. Česká Mykologie 40(3): 165-176 (published: 29th August, 1986)
ŠEBEK S. (1985): Hellflockiger Scheidenstreifling - Amanita beckeri Huijsman - in ČSSR gefunden. Česká Mykologie 39(3): 138-143 (published: 1985)
KOTILOVÁ-KUBIČKOVÁ L. (1982): Occurrence of amyloid substance in the plasma in hyphae of basidiocarps of some Amanita species (Agaricaceae). Česká Mykologie 36(2): 114-117 (published: 1982)
KOTLABA F. (1971): Excursio mycologorum bohemicorum in silvas „Karlštejnsko“ dictas. Česká Mykologie 25(1): 60-63 (published: 28th January, 1971)
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Cache used (search query was found in cache). (Cache updated 30.11.2024 22:24:02)