The contribution deals with the issue of specific or subspecific epithets published by various authors in different forms, alberti/albertii or pilati/pilatii, and currently mostly maintained with the termination -ii in official repositories for names, especially the MycoBank and Index Fungorum databases. A view into the protologues of each name dedicated to Albert Pilát clearly shows that different terminations have been applied in different periods, and that relevant recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature have also evolved over time. The orthographic variants alberti and pilati are in principle correct, based on the Latinised form of Pilát’s full name. Thus the original names of the involved taxa are to be maintained or resurrected if such epithets were given in their protologues. However, names later formed with the epithets albertii or pilatii appear to be in accordance with the provisions in force at the time. For a complete view of the topic, some examples of seemingly similar epithets created in different ways are mentioned for comparison, and the issue of interpretation of relevant recommendations of the Code is discussed in general. Finally, different approaches to nomenclatural stability are stated as a matter to be resolved in the upcoming Madrid Code.
Hrouda P., Kříž M. (2024): Orthography of Pilatian names: establishing the correct epithets with regard to Latin and nomenclatural rules. – Czech Mycology 76(2): 175–190.