The endophytic mycobiota inhabiting branches of Quercus petraea from two localities in the Křivoklát area, and branches, twigs and acorns of Quercus robur from one locality near the town of Semily were studied (all sites in the Czech Republic). Seventeen fungal taxa were isolated from branches of Q. petraea. Dominant fungi were found to be Colpoma quercinum and Phoma sp. as well as sterile dark mycelium and a black yeast-like fungus close to Sarcinomyces crustaceus. Eighteen fungal taxa were found in samples of aerial parts in Quercus robur. The most frequently isolated taxa were Pezicula cinnamomea, Colpoma quercinum, Alternaria alternata agg. and Acremonium sp.
Novotný D. (2022): Contribution to the endophytic mycobiota of aerial parts of oaks. – Czech Mycology 74(2): 111–121.