Czech Mycology 69(2): 163–192             Article published online: 24th November, 2017 doi: 10.33585/cmy.69205


Nomenclatural study and current status of the names Boletus emileorum, Boletus crocipodius and Boletus legaliae (Boletales), including typification of the first two.

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A comprehensive nomenclatural study including dates of valid publication, etymology and original spellings of the names Boletus “emilei”, Boletus “crokipodius” and Boletus “le-galiae” led us to correct them in accordance with the current Melbourne Code. Consequently, any current name based on these incorrect basionyms also has to be corrected. The original epithet emilei has been corrected by many authors, but never to its correct spelling emileorum according to the data of the protologue. As for the epithet crokipodium, all authors consulted have corrected it to crocipodium without any explanation, and its correct etymology has never been conveniently explained after its original publication by Letellier. We also provide good evidence on the correct date of publication of this name, always misdated in the literature. The epithet le-galiae (with a hyphen), unanimously corrected to legaliae has been very recently resurrected, but according to our nomenclatural study the correct spelling is legaliae. The valid publication and taxonomic status of the current combinations Leccinellum crocipodium, Baorangia emileorum, and Rubroboletus legaliae have also been studied. Finally, all the previous typifications of the three names have been revisited and we conclude that those of Boletus crocipodius and Boletus emileorum have not been effective and, therefore, a new typification is carried out here.

Keywords:     fungi, nomenclature, Leccinellum crocipodium, Baorangia emileorum, Rubro-boletus legaliae

Article history: received 13 September 2017, revised 17 October 2017, accepted 25 October 2017, published online 24 November 2017

Full citation:

Parra L. A., Della Maggiora M., Simonini G., Trassinelli R. (2017): Nomenclatural study and current status of the names Boletus emileorum, Boletus crocipodius and Boletus legaliae (Boletales), including typification of the first two. – Czech Mycology 69(2): 163–192. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.69205

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