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CZECH MYCOLOGY Czech Mycology 67(1): 45–58 | Rain-borne fungi in stemflow and throughfall of six tropical palm species.
Czech Mycology 67(1): 45–58             Article published online: 29th May, 2015 doi: 10.33585/cmy.67106


Rain-borne fungi in stemflow and throughfall of six tropical palm species.

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The present survey documents rain-borne hyphomycetes in stemflow and throughfall of six palm species on the west coast of India during the monsoon season. A total of 61 species were recovered.Irrespective of the palms, throughfall was represented by a higher number of species than stemflow.Pearson correlation was significant and positive between richness of species and conidia with air humidity, air temperature, water temperature and water conductivity. Except for Areca, Shannon diversity was higher in throughfall compared to stemflow. Jaccard’s percent similarity of species in stemflow was lowest between Cocos vs. Roystonea (16%) and highest between Borassus vs. Caryota (55.5%), while in throughfall it was lowest between Areca vs. Livistona (16.7%) and highest between Caryota vs. Cocos and Livistona vs. Cocos (50%).Two-way ANOVA revealed that the richness of species and that of conidia were significantly more dependent on palm species than stemflow or throughfall. The number of rain-borne fungi in palm species exceeded that in the nearby coastal stream with an overlap of about 40%.

Keywords:     Canopy, hyphomycetes, conidia, species richness, diversity, abiotic factors

Article history: received 8 March 2015, revised 28 April 2015, accepted 28 April 2015, published online 29 May 2015

Full citation:

Ghate S. D., Sridhar K. R. (2015): Rain-borne fungi in stemflow and throughfall of six tropical palm species. – Czech Mycology 67(1): 45–58. copy to clipboard

permalink: https://czechmycology.org/article/67106

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