In this part of the article on dung inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine data on new records of fimicolous representatives of the section Coprinus in Ukraine are reported. As a result of the study 9 taxa belonging to the subsections Lanatuli J.E. Lange, Narcotici Uljé et Noordel. and Nivei Citérin were found. Coprinus cordisporus Gibbs, C. foetidellus P.D. Orton, C. pseudoniveus Bender et Uljé, C. pseudoradiatus Kühner et Joss. ex Watling and C. utrifer (Joss.) Watling were collected for the first time in Ukraine. One new variety (C. pachyspermus var. tetrasporus) is described. For each taxon a description and drawings are provided.
Prydiuk M. P. (2011): New records of dung inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine II. Section Coprinus. – Czech Mycology 63(1): 13–32.