Between 1889 and 2001 a total of 17 species of downy mildews (Peronosporomycetes), 6 species of smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes), 79 species (respectively varieties) of rust fungi (Pucciniomycetes), and 2 species of Microbotryomycetes were found in the Králický Sněžník and its surroundings. The investigated territory is delimited, a brief history of the research into these micromycetes is given, and a survey of 10 species of downy mildews, 2 species of smuts and 55 species of rusts found by the author is given. The results of the research were compared with historical records. The author found 34 species new to the territory concerned. On the other hand, he has not been able to verify the occurrence of 37 species recorded by previous mycologists, especially on the summit of Králický Sněžník.
Müller J. (2010): Beitrag zur mykofloristischen Erforschung der Rost-, Brand und Falschen Mehltaupilze auf dem Králický Sněžník (Glatzer Schneeberg) und seiner Umgebung (Tschechische Republik). – Czech Mycology 62(1): 87–101.