Data on new records of fimicolous representatives of the section Pseudocoprinus (Kühner) P.D. Orton et Watling of the genus Coprinus Pers. in the territory of Ukraine are reported. As result of both field research and the use of moist-chambers 8 species belonging to the subsections Glabri J.E. Lange and Setulosi J.E. Lange have been found. Coprinus bisporus J.E. Lange, C. brevisetulosus Arnolds, C. curtus Kalchbr., C. heterosetulosus Watling and C. pellucidus P. Karst. were collected in Ukraine for the first time. For each species a description and drawings are provided.
Prydiuk M. P. (2010): New records of dung-inhabiting Coprinus species in Ukraine I. Section Pseudocoprinus. – Czech Mycology 62(1): 43–58.