The paper represents an extended version of the Checklist of downy mildews of Moravia and Silesia, into which rusts and smuts were included, as published in Czech Mycology 56: 121–148, 2004.The current checklist includes 176 species and 514 combinations of downy mildews and host plants.For each species of downy mildew its host plants are specified and for every host plant the number of localities on which the downy mildew was recorded, including the year of the latest record and abbreviations of the herbaria in which the specimens are deposited. This checklist was elaborated mostly according to data published in literature.
Müller J., Kokeš P. (2008): Erweitertes Verzeichnis der Falschen Mehltaupilze Mährens und tschechisch Schlesiens. – Czech Mycology 60(1): 91–104.