Czech Mycology 57(1-2): 97–115             Article published: 31st August, 2005 doi: 10.33585/cmy.57106


Distribution and ecology of Camarops tubulina (Ascomycetes, Boliniaceae) in the Czech Republic and remarks on its European distribution.

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Camarops tubulina is a remarkable pyrenomycete included in the Red Book and protected by law in the Czech Republic. Until 1995, 8 localities were known. Due to intensive searching in the period 1996 - spring 2005, the species is currently known from 66 localities (94finds). Its stromata mostly occur on old, fallen, decaying trunks of Picea and Abies, rarely of Fagus, especially in virgin forests or minimally influenced natural forests, but rarely also on old, decaying trunks lying in man-made forests. Most frequent habitats are submontane herb-rich beech forests with a dmixture of Abies and Picea, mixed mountainous forests composed of Fagus, Picea and Abies, natural spruce forests of the supramontane belt and bog spruce forests surrounding mountain peat bogs. The species also occurs in lowlands, but at sites with climatic inversion such as stream valleys, small canyons and gorges. An analysis of its habitats showed that the most important conditions necessary for its occurrence are the existence of more or less natural forest stands with presence of fallen, decaying trunks of Picea, Abies orFagus (or, rarely, presence of such trunks in man-made forests) and a stable, humid and cool microclimate, best ensured by a closed forest stand. From the point of view of nature conservation, Camaropstubulina is an important bioindicator of natural forest ecosystems. The Czech Republic represents the richest area of its occurrence in Europe, where the species is currently known from north­ern and central part. Distribution maps for the Czech Republic and Europe are provided.

Keywords:     fungi, pyrenomycetes, Camarops tubulina, natural forests, virgin forests, bioindicator

Full citation:

Holec J. (2005): Distribution and ecology of Camarops tubulina (Ascomycetes, Boliniaceae) in the Czech Republic and remarks on its European distribution. – Czech Mycology 57(1-2): 97–115. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.57106

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