The mycoflora of cultural (artificial and managed subnatural) forests (i.e. beech, spruce and mixed forests) was studied in 18 permanent plots in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. and the adjacent part of the Vsetínské vrchy hills (Czech Republic) during they ears 1998-2000. Al together, 314 species of macromycetes were recorded. The highest number of species was recorded in plots in a young spruce forest on a former meadow (72 species ) and a waterlogged spruce forest (67 species ). Mycorrhizal fungi were the dominant group in older spruce forests (44.2 %), waterlogged spruce forests (43.3 %) and alder forest (45.6 %). A high percentage of terrestrial saprophytes was found in the young forest on a former meadow (43 %). Generally, common species prevailed.The main factor which influenced the species composition of all trophic groups was the composition of the tree layer. These results are compared with results from similar plots in the Czech Republic and neighbouring countries.
Vašutová M. (2004): Macromycetes of permanent plots in cultural forests in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. and Vsetínské vrchy hills (Czech Republic). – Czech Mycology 56(3-4): 259–289.