Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 277–290             Article published: 22nd December, 2003 doi: 10.33585/cmy.55313


Rost-, Brand- und Falsche Mehltaupilze neu für Mähren und tschechisch Schlesien.

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27 species and 1 variety (7 species of Peronosporales s. str., 17 species and 1 variety of Urediniomycetes and 3 species of Ustilaginomycetes) from Moravia and Czech Silesia so far not published, are reported. From that Peronospora arthurii, P. statices, Plasmopara angustiterminalis, Coleosporium doronici, Frommeëlla mexicana var. indicae, Melampsoridium hiratsukanum and Puccinia ruebsaamenii are new for the Czech Republic.

Keywords:     Peronosporales, Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes, Moravia, Czech Silesia

Full citation:

Müller J. (2003): Rost-, Brand- und Falsche Mehltaupilze neu für Mähren und tschechisch Schlesien. – Czech Mycology 55(3-4): 277–290. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.55313

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