Ethanolic root extracts of Abrus precatorius and Rauvolfia tetraphylla and the chemical fungicide Mancozeb were tested for their mycotoxicity on the mycelial growth (biomass), total protein and nucleic acid content of Colletotrichum, capsici. The extracts of Abrus precatorius showed significant inhibition on mycelial biomass and synthesis of total protein, DNA and RNA. The mycotoxicity might be due to the presence of antifungal compounds like proteins, alkaloids, phenolics and other secondary metabolites in root extracts.
Kumaran R. S., Kannabiran B. (2003): Mycotoxic effect of Abrus precatorius and Rauvolfia tetraphylla root extracts on the growth of Colletotrichum capsici. – Czech Mycology 55(1-2): 51–56.