A selection of five specimens of Russula faginea and very similar taxa was made, examined microscopically and compared. The studied material seems to be composed of two groups which differ in spore size, frequency of line connections among the spines of the spores and size and shape of the terminalcells of generative hyphaein the pileusepicutis. I consider the two groups to be taxa at the rank of species. The nomenclature of these two proposed species is discussed. The only valid names available for them are R. faginea and R. abietum. The types of these species names correspond probably to the two observed groups, but as I have not studied the type of R. abietum, I cannot conclude this for certain. R. faginea Romagnesi, nom. inval. is validated here.
Adamčík S. (2003): Russula faginea and similar taxa. – Czech Mycology 54(3-4): 177–191.