Czech Mycology 53(4): 265–273             Article published: 3rd October, 2002 doi: 10.33585/cmy.53402


On a new Atractiella.

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Atractiella columbiana Bandoni et Inderbitzin sp. nov. is described from felled poplar logs in southwestern British Columbia. The species is characterized by sporocarps typical of the genus, but these can bear either conidia or basidia, or both. The pileolus is globoid to cupulate or discoid; it typically has a differentiated outer hyphal layer of parallel hyphae extending from the base of the stalk to the apex of the capitulum. Basidia are 4-celled; the sessile basidiospores being mostly unilateral and developing synchronously. Conidia develop sympodially on conidiogenous cells arising from assimilative hyphae, hyphae on sporocarp stalks, or in or on the capitulum. All such conidia are of similar appearance and dimensions.

Keywords:     Atractiellales, Hoehnelomycetaceae, Atractiella, A. columbiana, Hoehnelomyces

Full citation:

Bandoni R. J., Inderbitzin P. (2002): On a new Atractiella. – Czech Mycology 53(4): 265–273. copy to clipboard

doi: 10.33585/cmy.53402

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