Tilletia controversa is strongly distributed in the stands of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the eastern Slovakia. During the years 1957-1992 the fungus was found in 307 localities (com munes, cadastral territories) in 12 districts. Its occurrence was mostly abundant in the following districts: Bardejov, Humenné and Prešov. Lower occurrence was detected in districts: Svidník and Vranov nad Topľou, too. It occurrs also in the districts Rožňava, Košice, Trebišov, Poprad, Spišská Nová Ves, Stará Lubovňa, and Michalovce in some degree. The contribution contains the list of localities, years and intensity of its occurrence, morphologicaland ecophysiological characteristics of the chlamydospores of the fungus. The knowledge of T. controversa occurrence will contribute to increase efficiency of the protection of wheat against the cited pathogen.
Paulech P., Paulech C., Liška M. (1994): Distribution and characteristics of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn in the stands of winter wheat in eastern Slovakia. – Czech Mycology 47(1): 73–80.