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CZECH MYCOLOGY Česká Mykologie 46(3-4): 234–239 | Contribution to the knowledge of the polypore <i>Oxyporus corticola</i>.
Česká Mykologie 46(3-4): 234–239             Article published: 25th August, 1993


Contribution to the knowledge of the polypore Oxyporus corticola.

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The author examined a comprehensive herbarium material of Oxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryv. and Oxyporus ravidus (Ft.) Bond, et Sing., preserved in the herbaria of the Mycological Department, National Museum, Prague (PRM ). A major part of the specimens originates from European countries, while a few of these collections derives from Siberia and North America. On the basis of a comparative study the author reached the conclusion that the both above mentioned fungi are microscopically identical, and that Oxyporus ravidus (F t.) Bond, et Sing, is only a pileate form (or subspecies) of Oxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryv. The author studied also a duplicate specimen of Oxyporus phellodendri Bond, et L. Vassilj. in Bond. (T A A - 104965), a polypore described from Siberia. Reliably, this fungus is identical with Oxyporus ravidus (fr .) Bond, et Sing., in the present view. For this reason, the name Oxyporus phellodendri Bond, et L. Vassilj. in Bond, should be added to the synonymy of Oxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryv., too.

Full citation:

Vampola P. (1993): Contribution to the knowledge of the polypore Oxyporus corticola. – Česká Mykologie 46(3-4): 234–239. copy to clipboard

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