In this contribution is described a new locality of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn on Elytrigia intermedia (Host) Nevski and E. repens (L.) Desv. It occurs on the slope of the Vrchná hora hill in the land register Mást I, in the western part of the Malé Karpaty Mountains, near the village Stupava. The fungus population is defined by morphological and ecophysiological characteristics of its chlamydospores and by results of growth depression analysis of infected host plants. Light and low temperature were necessary for germination. The dormancy period of the fungus was 28–30 days. The infection lowered significantly the length of the spike and highly significantly the height of plants, length of the stem and upper internodium, as well as the number of internodes.
Paulech P. (1992): Characteristic of the fungus Tilletia controversa Kühn and its new locality on dog’s grass (Elytrida Desv.). – Česká Mykologie 46(1-2): 131–137.