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Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie. Currently contains 28306 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera.

Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)

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Index filtered by 'thelephora' [49 matches found]:

THELEPHORA     9: 95; 10: 103; 15: 16, 82, 180; 22: 254; 24: 109; 25: 106, 111; 27: 26, 34; 32: 224; 33: 162; 36: 28; 39: 8; 40: 224; 41: 130; 43: 52; 44: 142; 45: 21, 23;
THELEPHORA   abietina   13: 17; 45: 16;
THELEPHORA   anthocephala   14: 106;
THELEPHORA   arachnoidea   12: 70;
THELEPHORA   areolata   13: 16;
THELEPHORA   atrocitrina   10: 103, 104, 105; 15: 16, 82;
THELEPHORA   bicolor   43: 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146;
THELEPHORA   biennis   12: 69, 70;
THELEPHORA   bombycina   71: 159;
THELEPHORA   calcea b. salicina   61: 201;
THELEPHORA   carbonaria   24: 109; 65: 10;
THELEPHORA   caryophyllea   2: 44; 3: 89, 90; 11: 250; 32: 224;
THELEPHORA   chailletii   13: 16;
THELEPHORA   conchata   45: 16;
THELEPHORA   crispa   45: 16;
THELEPHORA   cruenta   12: 137, 138, 139; 52: 308, 309;
THELEPHORA   crustacea   12: 75;
THELEPHORA   frustula   45: 23;
THELEPHORA   frustulata   40: 130, 131;
THELEPHORA   fusca   43: 139;
THELEPHORA   fuscocinerea   12: 69;
THELEPHORA   gausapata   13: 13; 45: 21;
THELEPHORA   granulosa   36: 72, 73, 74, 75;
THELEPHORA   hirsuta f. dryina   45: 21;
THELEPHORA   intybacea   14: 117, 119, 121; 15: 82; 32: 224;
THELEPHORA   mesenterica   2: 43;
THELEPHORA   mollis   12: 68;
THELEPHORA   mollissima   12: 127; 25: 106, 111;
THELEPHORA   mougeotii   12: 137; 52: 308;
THELEPHORA   murrayi   13: 18; 41: 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137;
THELEPHORA   murrayi f. tuberculosum   41: 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137;
THELEPHORA   murrayi var. tuberculosum   41: 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137;
THELEPHORA   pallida   65: 8, 9;
THELEPHORA   palmata   4: 74; 14: 76; 32: 224; 33: 162; 56: 272; 64: 72;
THELEPHORA   pannosa   65: 8, 9;
THELEPHORA   penicillata   67: 210;
THELEPHORA   perdix   40: 131;
THELEPHORA   purpurea   13: 18;
THELEPHORA   rugosa   13: 13;
THELEPHORA   ruprechtii   39: 8;
THELEPHORA   sanguinea   27: 26;
THELEPHORA   sanguinolenta   13: 13;
THELEPHORA   sinuans   40: 131;
THELEPHORA   spadicea   40: 224; 45: 21, 23;
THELEPHORA   terrestris   10: 187; 14: 96; 15: 180; 25: 106; 27: 34; 32: 224; 56: 272; 63: 261; 67: 210;
THELEPHORA   terrestris f. resupinata   36: 28; 44: 142;
THELEPHORA   umbrina   12: 50, 70;
THELEPHORA   vinosa   43: 139;
THELEPHORA   zygodesmoides   12: 68;

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