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Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie. Currently contains 28289 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera.

Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)

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Index filtered by 'HELOTIUM' [100 matches found]:

HELOTIUM     1: 3, 5; 2: 118, 119; 11: 237; 12: 221; 13: 124; 16: 68, 94, 96, 99, 100, 101, 102, 113; 18: 163; 20: 8, 9, 10; 24: 105; 25: 109, 111; 26: 214, 216; 27: 224; 29: 29; 30: 14; 31: 137, 138; 32: 17; 33: 195, 196, 225, 226, 227; 37: 68, 69; 39: 245; 40: 206, 216; 41: 23, 24, 89, 164, 201; 43: 67, 72, 73, 74; 47: 105;
HELOTIUM   acuum   37: 68;
HELOTIUM   acuum var. carneum   37: 68;
HELOTIUM   aesculi   14: 112; 43: 74;
HELOTIUM   affinissimum   57: 208, 217;
HELOTIUM   agaricinum   59: 105;
HELOTIUM   airae   16: 102; 33: 196;
HELOTIUM   albidum   40: 206;
HELOTIUM   calathicolum   33: 196;
HELOTIUM   callorioides   13: 124;
HELOTIUM   calyculus   16: 99;
HELOTIUM   capense   46: 319, 326;
HELOTIUM   caudatum   14: 73; 16: 99;
HELOTIUM   citrinicolor   16: 99;
HELOTIUM   citrinum   43: 73;
HELOTIUM   clavus var. grandis   43: 67;
HELOTIUM   conigenum   14: 126;
HELOTIUM   conscriptum   16: 99;
HELOTIUM   consobrinum   16: 100;
HELOTIUM   costatum   40: 216;
HELOTIUM   cruentatum   46: 150;
HELOTIUM   dearnessii   64: 128;
HELOTIUM   destructor   25: 109, 111;
HELOTIUM   dubium   43: 74;
HELOTIUM   dumbirense   46: 160, 161;
HELOTIUM   duriusculum   33: 195;
HELOTIUM   eburneum   33: 195;
HELOTIUM   epiphyllum   14: 87; 16: 100, 101; 27: 224; 67: 215;
HELOTIUM   fagineum   16: 102, 113;
HELOTIUM   flammeum   41: 198;
HELOTIUM   friesii   14: 16, 20;
HELOTIUM   fructigenum   14: 76, 226; 16: 101, 102, 113; 29: 29;
HELOTIUM   geogenum   14: 12, 13, 14, 20; 33: 225, 226, 227;
HELOTIUM   grisellum   41: 198;
HELOTIUM   herbarum   13: 124; 16: 94, 96, 100;
HELOTIUM   herbarum f. alpestre   16: 94, 96, 100;
HELOTIUM   imberbe   7: 139; 25: 109; 30: 14;
HELOTIUM   immarginatum   46: 149;
HELOTIUM   immutabile   14: 15, 16, 20; 16: 100;
HELOTIUM   juniperinellum   37: 68;
HELOTIUM   lecithinum   26: 214;
HELOTIUM   limogenum   52: 58;
HELOTIUM   longisporum   33: 225, 226, 227;
HELOTIUM   lutescens   14: 126;
HELOTIUM   macrosporum   64: 133;
HELOTIUM   moniliferum   33: 195;
HELOTIUM   mycetophilum   31: 137, 138;
HELOTIUM   novum   16: 100, 101;
HELOTIUM   pallidesubolivaceum   12: 221, 226, 227, 228;
HELOTIUM   peruni   40: 216; 43: 72;
HELOTIUM   phyllogenum   16: 101;
HELOTIUM   phyllophilum   16: 101;
HELOTIUM   pileatum   57: 216, 217, 218;
HELOTIUM   procerum   25: 109; 32: 17;
HELOTIUM   proximellum   37: 68;
HELOTIUM   pruinosum   41: 198;
HELOTIUM   pulvinatum   16: 101;
HELOTIUM   punctatum   41: 201;
HELOTIUM   purpuratum   49: 164;
HELOTIUM   repandum f. citripes   16: 101, 113;
HELOTIUM   rhizogenum   57: 208;
HELOTIUM   rhizophilum   57: 206, 209, 210, 211;
HELOTIUM   robergei   14: 73;
HELOTIUM   rokebyense   16: 101, 113;
HELOTIUM   rubicolum   16: 99;
HELOTIUM   schimperi   8: 18;
HELOTIUM   scutellatum   49: 164;
HELOTIUM   scutula   14: 226; 16: 100, 102;
HELOTIUM   serotinum   16: 99;
HELOTIUM   smardae   16: 68;
HELOTIUM   subpallidum   33: 195;
HELOTIUM   subrubescens   57: 208;
HELOTIUM   subtile   37: 68;
HELOTIUM   suzai   3: 42;
HELOTIUM   tabescens   24: 105;
HELOTIUM   taborense   25: 109, 111;
HELOTIUM   tatrae   12: 220, 226, 227, 228;
HELOTIUM   trapezoideum   14: 15, 16, 20;
HELOTIUM   umbilicatum   41: 23, 24;
HELOTIUM   vacini   14: 112;
HELOTIUM   virgultorum   16: 99;

PHAEOHELOTIUM     30: 8, 13; 37: 67; 39: 245; 41: 16, 21, 23, 24, 89; 43: 219; 44: 145; 46: 158; 71: 74;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   epiphyllum   67: 215;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   flavum   33: 227;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   geogenum   33: 225, 226, 227;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   imberbe   43: 219; 44: 145;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   melleoflavum   46: 149, 155, 158;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   monticola   33: 227; 71: 73;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   nobile   41: 24;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   pallidolilacinum   46: 149, 155, 158;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   rubropurpurascens   30: 8, 13;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   samaricolum   37: 67;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   subcarneum   41: 89; 67: 205;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   terrestre   41: 16, 21, 23, 24;
PHAEOHELOTIUM   umbilicatum   41: 24;

PSEUDOHELOTIUM     13: 157, 213; 35: 93, 94, 95, 98, 99; 41: 88, 93, 94, 198;
PSEUDOHELOTIUM   hydnicola   59: 105;
PSEUDOHELOTIUM   pineti   13: 157, 213; 35: 93, 94, 95, 98, 99; 41: 94;
PSEUDOHELOTIUM   pruinosum   41: 198;
PSEUDOHELOTIUM   vernale   41: 88, 93;

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