Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie.
Currently contains 28313 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera .
Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)
Index usage instructions.
How to search...
At least 3 characters are required in the query.
Partial search is supported - it is NOT necessary to type whole keyword, and you doesn't even have to type the word from the beginning - you can start in the middle.
Multisearch supported - You can search for more keywords in one attempt - separate the keywords/phrases by comma (", "). Max 2 commas allowed in the query.
If no match is found, results are given for similar query (if found). Minimum query length required for "simsearch" to happen is 6 characters.
Index filtered by 'HEBELOMA ' [47 matches found]:
HEBELOMA 8: 10 ;
15: 225 ;
16: 158 ;
18: 10 ,
12 ,
13 ,
144 ,
223 ;
19: 16 ,
114 ,
233 ,
234 ,
235 ,
236 ,
237 ,
238 ;
23: 4 ;
24: 109 ;
28: 124 ;
29: 27 ;
30: 52 ,
228 ;
32: 222 ;
33: 164 ;
34: 192 ,
193 ,
194 ,
195 ;
35: 241 ;
37: 174 ;
43: 59 ;
44: 86 ,
221 ;
45: 35 ,
50 ;
46: 28 ;
47: 45 ;
48: 99 ,
284 ;
56: 272 ,
281 ;
58: 287 ,
288 ;
62: 35 ;
71: 74 ;
76: 87 ;
HEBELOMA aestivale 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA albocrenulatum 21: 35 ;
HEBELOMA alpinum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA alvarense 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA anthracophilum 8: 10 ,
11 ,
12 ,
13 ;
HEBELOMA bruchetii 47: 48 ;
HEBELOMA cistophilum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA claviceps 14: 75 ;
HEBELOMA crassum 1: 48 ;
HEBELOMA crustuliniforme 5: 105 ;
8: 13 ;
12: 120 ,
122 ;
18: 12 ;
28: 124 ;
30: 52 ;
32: 222 ;
34: 192 ,
193 ,
194 ,
195 ;
44: 221 ;
48: 98 ;
52: 6 ;
65: 202 ;
HEBELOMA cylindrosporum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA domardianum 58: 287 ;
HEBELOMA edurum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA fallax 52: 57 ;
HEBELOMA fastibile 14: 77 ;
58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA fusisporum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA laterinum 58: 288 ;
65: 202 ;
HEBELOMA leucosarx 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA longicaudum 18: 10 ;
19: 114 ;
58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA marginatulum 47: 46 ,
47 ,
48 ;
HEBELOMA mesophaeum 8: 12 ,
13 ;
14: 117 ;
18: 13 ;
19: 16 ;
24: 109 ;
28: 124 ;
33: 164 ;
44: 86 ;
45: 50 ;
58: 288 ;
75: 59 ;
HEBELOMA pallidoluctuosum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA polare 58: 287 ,
288 ;
HEBELOMA populinum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA punctatiforme 52: 58 ;
HEBELOMA punctatum 8: 10 ,
11 ,
12 ,
13 ;
HEBELOMA pusillum 14: 96 ;
35: 241 ;
HEBELOMA quercetorum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA radicosum 14: 77 ,
112 ;
16: 158 ;
18: 223 ;
32: 222 ;
67: 197 ;
HEBELOMA repandum 45: 35 ;
47: 48 ;
HEBELOMA sacchariolens 14: 78 ,
113 ;
15: 225 ;
19: 233 ,
234 ,
235 ,
236 ,
237 ,
238 ;
58: 288 ;
69: 28 ;
HEBELOMA sarcophyllum 58: 287 ;
HEBELOMA senescens 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA sinapizans 14: 117 ;
18: 10 ;
29: 27 ;
32: 222 ;
48: 98 ;
52: 6 ;
58: 288 ;
65: 202 ;
HEBELOMA sinuosum 4: 149 ;
14: 225 ;
HEBELOMA sordescens 67: 197 ;
HEBELOMA squammulosum 52: 23 ;
HEBELOMA strophosum 14: 113 ;
58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA subconcolor 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA syrjense 58: 287 ;
HEBELOMA theobrominum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA truncatum 65: 202 ;
HEBELOMA vaccinum 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA vejlense 58: 288 ;
HEBELOMA velutipes 58: 287 ;
HEBELOMA versipelle 14: 225 ;
18: 13 ;
34: 192 ,
193 ,
194 ;
65: 202 ;
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