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Index to fungal genera and species including infraspecific taxa* published in Czech Mycology, formerly Česká Mykologie. Currently contains 28289 lines (unique fungi).
*) Genera cited separately (having no specific epithets in any volumes of CM) are included in the Index to genera.

Index to fungal genera and species published in Volumes 1–64 (printed version)

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Index filtered by 'GALACTINIA' [53 matches found]:

GALACTINIA     15: 74; 16: 110, 111; 17: 61, 68, 69, 70; 18: 12; 19: 38, 41; 21: 31, 32, 53; 22: 32, 181, 217, 218, 219; 23: 24, 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 91, 93, 96, 141, 200, 205, 233; 24: 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 135, 143; 28: 226; 30: 140; 35: 134; 36: 110;
GALACTINIA   adae   17: 61, 68; 22: 181; 23: 32; 35: 67;
GALACTINIA   adae f. latispora   23: 24, 32; 35: 67;
GALACTINIA   alnicola   16: 111;
GALACTINIA   amethystina   23: 91, 93, 96;
GALACTINIA   ampelina   17: 68;
GALACTINIA   ampliata   24: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64;
GALACTINIA   amplissima   16: 110; 35: 68;
GALACTINIA   arvernensis   24: 73, 75;
GALACTINIA   atroviolacea   23: 26, 233;
GALACTINIA   badia   15: 74; 16: 111; 17: 68; 18: 12; 22: 181, 217; 23: 33; 35: 68;
GALACTINIA   badioconfusa   17: 61, 68; 35: 68;
GALACTINIA   cerea   17: 68, 69; 24: 64; 35: 69, 136;
GALACTINIA   chlorophaea   14: 164, 165, 175; 35: 69;
GALACTINIA   combustorum   17: 69; 35: 72;
GALACTINIA   cornui   35: 134;
GALACTINIA   crassipes   24: 62, 63, 64;
GALACTINIA   depressa   28: 226;
GALACTINIA   echinospora   14: 79; 15: 74; 17: 69; 23: 24, 33; 35: 69;
GALACTINIA   echinospora var. autumnalis   23: 24, 33; 35: 134;
GALACTINIA   fimeti   14: 79; 15: 74; 22: 90, 91, 92; 35: 69;
GALACTINIA   gerardii   21: 31, 32, 53; 22: 217, 218, 219; 35: 69;
GALACTINIA   hortensis   17: 68;
GALACTINIA   ionella   21: 31, 32; 22: 217, 218, 219;
GALACTINIA   leiocarpa   52: 263;
GALACTINIA   limosa   23: 33, 198; 35: 70;
GALACTINIA   lividula   23: 34; 24: 135, 143;
GALACTINIA   michelii   23: 32;
GALACTINIA   micropus   16: 111; 24: 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75; 35: 70;
GALACTINIA   moravecii   22: 90, 91, 92; 47: 195; 52: 56;
GALACTINIA   muricata   52: 263;
GALACTINIA   paludicola   17: 70;
GALACTINIA   palustris   17: 61, 70; 22: 90; 35: 134;
GALACTINIA   phillipsii   23: 91, 93, 205;
GALACTINIA   plebeia   23: 31, 32, 205; 30: 140, 142; 35: 70;
GALACTINIA   polaripapulata   23: 24, 33;
GALACTINIA   praetervisa   23: 24, 32;
GALACTINIA   praetervisa var. minor   23: 24, 32;
GALACTINIA   proteana var. sparassoides   36: 112;
GALACTINIA   saniosa   14: 73, 75, 112, 225; 22: 217; 23: 205; 35: 71;
GALACTINIA   sarrazinii   23: 200; 30: 130;
GALACTINIA   succosa   14: 75, 78, 225; 16: 111; 22: 217; 23: 31, 32; 35: 72;
GALACTINIA   sylvestris   16: 111; 24: 72, 75; 35: 68;
GALACTINIA   tosta   30: 140, 141;
GALACTINIA   trachycarpa   52: 264;
GALACTINIA   varia   16: 111; 24: 65, 71, 72, 73, 74;
GALACTINIA   varia f. lignicola   24: 68;
GALACTINIA   varia f. terrestris   24: 72;
GALACTINIA   vesiculosa   14: 79, 219, 220, 221;
GALACTINIA   vesiculosa f. cerea   14: 219, 220, 221; 17: 68; 23: 141;
GALACTINIA   vesiculosa var. succinea   14: 220;
GALACTINIA   violacea   14: 79; 15: 74; 17: 69; 35: 71, 136;

PARAGALACTINIA   succosa   73: 27;

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